harry potter dire wolf animagus fanfiction. Harry stored the books back inside the pouch except for the potions book and began to get ready for bed. harry potter dire wolf animagus fanfiction

Harry stored the books back inside the pouch except for the potions book and began to get ready for bedharry potter dire wolf animagus fanfiction  Harry found that he rather enjoyed Daphne and Tracy's company, the two girls made for a far more entertaining train ride than Ron and Hermione ever did, the fact that they were better looking was absolutely not part of the reason why

by LightningR. His wale of a cousin Dudley and his moronic sidekicks, tried once again to beat the crap out of him. This grin made her anger fly away from her body. Harry Potter flees a ruined world through the veil of death. Under Edit. Harry is sent to La Push to study the werewolves for his Senior project. Second, the DADA class was being taught by a woman who hated Harry. The Headmaster had asked the potions master to monitor the entrance of the third floor corridor and observe who had gone in. Harry's wolf Fanfiction. Finally Madam Pomfrey turned to the Minster, "There is no trace of Lycan virius in his system. "I do believe we're through," McGonagall declared, looking sternly at Harry. However, Harry Potter is still the. The werewolf dropped the unconscious rat at Harry's feet and looked at him as if to reprimand him for doubting the creature. Neville Longbottom is the BWL. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P. Archie burst out of the smoke cloud with a thankful not to his friend, placing a paralysed Stephanie who had a murderous look in her eyes by the wall which they had placed. Harry Potter, Unexpected Animagus. Harry, the over enthusiastic Dire Wolf that he was at the moment, nodded and managed to run around the large basement for a bit without any signs of unsteadiness. "You believe him. Surprising, but not completely unexpected. "You said you don't hurt young" Hermione spluttered trying to back away. Rationally, he hadn't the faintest idea where he was and would be lucky. "Harry !" she screamed "This is no proper way to greet someone as old as me !" "Sorry professor, but as you can see, I have mastered my animagus shape" Harry said with a grin. " the three words relayed over in Harry's head as they marched towards Winterfell with its huge castle complex spanning several acres and protected by two massive walls Harry admired as he. Harri stopped as she felt a tugging from her ice phoenix that meant the unusual animagus wanted to talk. Harry dodged with ease and shot half dozen arrows at the boy. With his world's destruction inevitable, he decided to take his chances on the Veil. But they were found and Harry was one of them. 0. It was an exact likeness of Harry in his Animagus form, except in his talons this version of Harry was holding an olive branch. Rain in the Desert. He runs to the goblin with his arms open. Ascension Through Consumption By: TheManWhoWalksAlone. "Firenze!" Harry managed to coordinate his four legs enough to wobble up like a young colt. Harry responded with a Fireball followed by a Bludgeoner, a concussion hex and a punching hex aimed at the boy's groin. After that Halloween, his parents forget about him in favor of Chris. Draco finds and befriends a stray dog on campus and shares doubts he never dared to voice before. Barefoot Chapter 17: Animagusgusgus, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Chapter 1. Can Snape cure them before he goes insane. They said that everything they would probably teach him, he would learn in school anyway. 1: The Escape. Fanfiction is free emotional labor, time, creativity, ect. Yet, the man's heart was calm and his manner, unhurried. In order to not bore the soon to be fourteen year old, the men ramped up their prank war. 51 pages 11 months ago RAZEEK. He runs away from the Dursley and survives on his own. A Young Harry uses powers not seen for many millennia to escape and forge his life in the way that he wants. "Luna!" he called. Harry Potter, or should he say, Ares James Black. -Harry-. When he yawned the other cat's eyes popped open and she stared in his direction. In order to not bore the soon to be fourteen year old, the men ramped up their prank war. But then Potter realizes it's Snape and something hits him: he wants to touch that animal. GrayHarry. "Harry you know our father Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. Harry Potter tugged nervously at the obsidian thestral that hung around his neck. He woke in the middle of the night, feeling what seemed to be a rough tongue licking his face. . Then, in early January of his Sixth year, he finally transformed. Rated M for Mature themes, suggestive tones, and lemon later on. SLASH, het, non-descriptive MPREG, mild violence and language. James had turned back into his human self to use petrificus totalus on Remus but before he could open his mouth Remus was on top of Harry and bit his cheek. Rosea Canis By: mari681. " Harry was surprised at the tiger sounds coming out of his mouth. SI. GrayHarry. I am so excited! I wonder what he will be!No More Games By: VagueJester. The blonde watched as the little girl went down the hallway, and after a small sigh, she turned around. Oh, Malfoy was going to get it. Daphne POV. "Lord Voldemort have returned!" hissed Harry as he clutched his lightning shaped scar. 'The smell, the smell of pack…. 13 September 1993, Hogwarts, Scotland. Unfortunately for him, he lands right in the middle of a prophecy attempting to fulfill itself, and it intends to use Harry and his friends to do it. Things would be so much easier if he weren't becoming disillusioned, and if Malfoy was less intelligent. Harry Potter is a normal boy in all. Very few people knew Harry was a Dire Wolf as well as being. Families and Parents all crowded around the doors to the trains waiting for it to unload it's cargo of students. Harry Potter was a seventeen year old boy, with untamable black hair. Harry was traveling alone through the jungle when two strange scents wafted past his sensitive nose. Harry is the older twin brother of Christopher Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. Having stormed Privet Drive to kidnap Harry Potter the Deatheaters returned with two very fat male muggles, a thin horse looking muggle woman, and a black wolf puppy. As expected the boy erected a full body shield protecting himself before firing off a trio of Reductos. After ten to twenty years almost every wizard was gone, murdered. HBP. AN: This challenge will be a Harry Potter and Game of Thrones crossover, though it will largely take place in the Harry Potter universe and the GoT elements can be from either the TV show, book series, or both depending on the preference of whoever adopts it. Die together but are reborn together as Heart's blood bonded Phoenixes. Follow Harry as he goes to school, makes friends and falls in love while training to face the most powerful Dark Lord alive. I was going to see Harry's Animagus form this time! It had already been a month and it was currently one week until we were going to head to the Quidditch World Cup. The Wolf Animagus By: WannabeWerewolf. Remus moved quickly to catch the teen before he fell; he caught Harry and held him in his arm as he looked down at his cub that was looking up at him with watery green eyes "Please Remus I need you. It backed up. Good Wormtail and Bellatrix, Dumbledore bashing. Harry responded by wrapping his arms around Severus's neck, hiding his face into his shoulder. Thanks to a Snake By: Irish216. This story is the sequel to Potions Class Questions. About half-way threw the trip though we had a visitor. A tale of two phoenix Chapter 1: Yer a bird harry, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Harry groaned at his luck quietly, he knew what was left, he placed his hand in the bag and pulled out the Miniature Hungarian Horntail. " Severus groaned, massaging his temple. It did not take long for the wizard to succumb to his much needed rest. Potter. Percy was born of a tragic event and abandon with nobody but his best friend snow. Founder: Heavenly Dancer - Stories: 19 - Followers: 6 - id: 32618. Ne prend pas en compte la mort de Severus, Fred, l'un pour le couple, l'autre pour ne pas rajouter de la tristesse dans la famille Weasley & Co. Once the girls had gotten used to him they began revealing more about their personalities, both. " He replied softly, not liking the idea that his Animagus form would further mark him as abnormal. Chapter Five! It had been four hours since Harry awoke from his dreams and during this time Harry had taken the first two potions to help him become healthy and strong. Freak! Trash! Burden! Monster! All of these being hurled at me, used like a name, unworthy of a real one unless in front of others. Potter has such a base of haters. The three very happy children went down the stairs into the living part of the house to find Needa already waiting for them. Summary: Hogwarts is alive. Follow . Animagus Harry Potter; Action/Adventure; Legilimens Harry Potter; Harry Potter is a Horcrux; Under the Influence of Horcruxes; Summary. Harry nodded and vanished the potion. Finally Ron stopped though and started asking for help on his homework. The screams of Captain Wood encouraging his suicidal followers to train beyond the limits of human resistance were arriving to their ears from the window. In the process of being Beta'ed. The Dire Wolf greeted the Grim with an excited bark of its own as the smaller canine began to jump around the larger one in a display of four-legged footwork. AUish, but slightly compatible with DH. Harry was nowhere. And just to emphasize this point, but unless this story is. The Great Game By: Kingtide. " Hey, its okay I mean you no harm. There's a new star in the Black tapestry. Harry Potter AU, after the second year when Harry instead claims the sword of Gryffindor as his own. But while some in the Wizarding World would like to see her leave Hogwarts, Harry will do everything in his power to keep her there — and in his life. Then one shock after another leads to a new life for Harry and his three 'Uncles". " McGonagall, who could turn into a cat. Doom, a new evil emerged from the ashes. Wolf calls and blackmarks haunt England and in the protected walls of Hogwarts. The next fault lay with the one and only Albus Dumbledore. Teenage hormones, dark lords, and missing memories is a hell of a combination. Feeling the doused-out arousal roaring into an explosion, He stopped his advances toward the Burrow's boundary, his ears caught a muttered spell. Mr. Mister Evans, Lily's father, was named Harrison; Lily had passed on the name to her son, Harrison James Potter. Chapter 1- Beast Under Your Skin. I found a thirteenth use of dragon's blood, it could be used to stabilise magic around muggle technology if the correct runes were drawn with it. His forehead was damp with sweat and his head ached in pain. Linkffn (8733271) In the story Love Will Find a Way by hermihugs. Edward had left her. Rated: Fiction T - English - Mystery/Romance - Severus S. "Can I come in, I want to show you something. Potter Manor was 7 stories tall, with over 100 rooms. During an unannounced inspection of Hogwarts, secrets come out of the woodwork. Not so surprisingly Harry's form was a lion, a rather ferocious looking one if Harry had anything to say about it. White Squirrel is a fanfiction author that has written 33 stories for Harry Potter, How to Train Your Dragon, Firefly,. The black dog trotted along the streets, still thin, but not painfully so, it was truly amazing how many people would cave under puppy dog eyes, and Sirius had learnt from the. Albus Dumbledore was pacing in his office at Hogwarts. Eight-year-old Harry was sitting in his dark cupboard, feeling frustrated, because he had had to make many mistakes in his Math test that morning in order not to be better than Dudley, because his uncle always took. "Ah, today's the day is it," Maxwell said following his gaze, in ths house where pretty much everyone was into beastiallity sex was nothing. "I'm really starting to not like this idea, sounds kind of dangerous," Isaac muttered as he paced through the darkened room, the wall high windows letting in enough light to reflect the fear that Isaac felt on his face more clearly. In the abandoned fic Pack of Wolves by sinnercharly (184K words) Harry is a Dire Wolf and Hermione is a Kitsune. Harry Potter, an eight years old green-eyed boy, was walking down the street with a pensive look on his face. K. by LightningR. Fire and Ice By: Above the Winter Moonlight. But Vernon found him before Petunia and he was determined no freak would wreck his perfect family. The four witches planned on carving a series of runes on five of the boy's bones: his two femurs, his two humeri, and on his skull. 13 September 1993, Hogwarts, Scotland. AU. She was quite amused as he sat down, peering at himself closely and cocking his head from side to side. When it came time to drink the animagus potion, he contacted Sirius. AN: This challenge will be a Harry Potter and Game of Thrones crossover, though it will largely take place in the Harry Potter universe and the GoT elements can be from either the TV show, book series, or both depending on the preference of whoever adopts it. Desperate, he conducts a ritual that means a different kind of. -Yes, little one. My final 13 GCSE exams are coming up after the May holiday. Sirius sniffed at the rat and woofed at Harry happily. " Hermione slid the bubble back into the amulet and slipped it over her neck with a satisfied smile; she was going to be Harry's mate, hopefully forever. "Well," he said as the train began slowing down "looks like we're here. . Harry turns to face Jon and gets his sword ready again. 4. With one beefy hand, a purple-faced Vernon Dursley pinned his nephew to the wall while smacking him across the face with the other. She turned and began walking in a direction that she thought, no, hoped, would lead her back to him. Long before Harry even knows about Hogwarts, he knows that he has "powers". "You got thirty seven, a prime number it may be, but not the one you're looking for, I suspect," Septima Vector chided as she made herself comfortable on the two-seater couch in her office. The grown marauders had taken to teaching Harry more magical theory than spells. Harry Potter learns how to be an Animagus, catch is that it turns out he's a cute little kitten. I have heard a lot about you in. 34K 1. Harry, the over enthusiastic Dire Wolf that he was at the moment, nodded and managed to run around the large basement for a bit without any signs of unsteadiness. Ron started to tremble, he was still chained to Remus and Peter. - Chapters: 11 - Words: 17,368 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 277 - Follows: 300 - Updated: Feb 18, 2017 - Published: Jan 29, 2017 - id. "Ms. Tiger, Tiger. He plans to spend the rest of his days in his animagus form, forgetting the past and ignoring the future. His animagus form is unexpected and he can't control shifting. She was beautiful. Harry responded with a Fireball followed by a Bludgeoner, a concussion hex and a punching hex aimed at the boy's groin. Chapter Two: Snitched and Switched. "Reginald. K. Harry Potter had the worst summer of his life. It said 'Marauders Plus'. Harold Peverell and the Order of Snow Leopard By: Lord of mystics. "Please Snape, this is awesome, let me show it to you. A Ballad of Wolves and Serpents By: mugglesftw. Hermione stood behind Harry-the-wolf as he surveyed himself in the mirror. " Colin Creevey, Harry's number one fan boy said. Trio's 5th Year AU: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny and Draco are turned into hybrid wild animals thanks to a multiple potions accident. Oma's Choice By: jacobds. Harry was betrayed and locked away but thanks to the Valor he is given a second chance. 0o0. Totally AU, Harry was adopted by Sirius and Lupin and moved to Boston after he defeated Voldemort at 15 months. I or my staff have read all of them personally and will do so before another is added. 0o0. Adventure Fantasy Harry Potter Potter Hogwarts Wolf Animagus Hermione Granger hp Shapeshifter Alexander Lovell did not expect to be sent off to a school for. Edward had left her. Get on your back with your legs spread wide. At a young age he uses his 'powers' to scare away his relatives. One, this wolf-turned-man was related to him. Second, the DADA class was being taught by a woman who hated. One day the tale of the Serpent and his White Wolf will no longer be a legend but fact. With the love of a good woman, Harry becomes more confident and learns to handle the embarrassment that comes from being a teenage boy as well as an unexpected animagus. In the process, he ends up learning the truth about his infamous scar and how to fight his war. While heading north on his way to Hogwarts, Sirius learns the dangers of traveling in his Animagus form. Unexpected Surprises By: Lady Lanera. A pure white wolf, a female, lurks in the shadows and when seeing him, she immediately introduced herself. Harry turned and followed Ned as he made for his horse. As the term wound down to a close, Harry became more and more reclusive, stating he was working on something with his studies. Her best student stood ten feet away from her in front of three large blackboards, each of which were covered in dozens of complex. With a bond between their souls, Daenerys Targaryen and Harry Potter, along with Jorah, are brought back to Earth by the Goblet of Fire, a blessing and a curse both. He was called Jade because of his startling green eyes which had gold swirling in them. Mahoutokoro school, Adoptive father Severus, ICW interventions, Dumbledore, select. Finally Ron stopped though and started asking for help on his homework. The biscuits and the tea prepared by the House Elves were excellent. " Harry greeted, kissing her knuckles and giving her a charming smile. Information on Animagi was taught to Hogwarts students during their third-year Transfiguration class. She gave a couple of nods as they talked and after a while, she quickly hugged her consoler and scampered off. After a badly ended experiment Snape turns into a panther. Harry smiled and focused his magic. An Animagus Registry existed to keep track of those. ANIMAGUS HARRY! Oneshot, HPDM slash. " Harry said with begging eyes. I didn't spend the past year coaching you in Animagus transfiguration for foolish pranks. Harry didn't sleep that night, or the next, or the night after that, in fact, Anthony and Hayley had to stun him and force a Dreamless Sleep potion down his throat to make him sleep before he died of exhaustion. Harry is reborn as the eldest son of the Black family and Sirius's older brother while Ginny is reborn as a muggleborn witch. The only question is whether he will get to choose that place or not. "You see Crackleback, don't move without me. I became an animagus, an old species of wolf called a dire wolf that had long been extinct, I knew this would have made Moony, Padfoot and Prongs proud. Jon gives him a small smile before attack Harry again. "Good," Jon said. Remus took a deep breath through his nose, "There is always a choice. "Dimension Traveller Cubismus. Harry found that he rather enjoyed Daphne and Tracy's company, the two girls made for a far more entertaining train ride than Ron and Hermione ever did, the fact that they were better looking was absolutely not part of the reason why. Confident/Skilled Harry. The wolf on top of him he was scared but couldn't scream, he was going to become a werewolf, something wizards and witches despised. " Daphne laughed and they hopped onto the train. "Oh, two wands. It had a deep purple top the slowly turned into a dark blood red once past her waist. The rat was still alive. Tonks - Chapters: 56 - Words:. "I'm afraid I was shocked at your reaction, Professor. Edward…. A perfect place to rest. A few lines were written across the top, but the rest of the words failed to come to the end of her quill. Now he must fight for survival on a strange new world. "Hello Harry," I looked up from my meal, packed by Dobby and Tinker, to find Daphne and another girl standing in the door. Animagi) was a witch or wizard who could transform themselves into an animal and back again at will. "Oh, hi Professors. The thin, lightning bolt shaped scar upon his forehead had a sudden brief stab of pain as he stared into the darkness of his tiny room. At least Harry Potter was Lily Potter's son. "Agito then moved his head to the left and avoided a spell that had been shot at his back, the spell kept going and struck some greasy haired bat in the face, Agito turned and glared at the little shit that dared to attack him, he saw it was a. The mythical immortal fire bird we all know about. Reiner kept up pace with him as he hadn't been tied like Ned's horse. Ce texte participe au Concours d'EpsilonSnape (pour plus d'infos, allez sur le forum : forum/Concours-d-Epsi/226234/ ) Je suis adepte des noms de famille. Years of hiding that he is a spirit wolf Harrison begins to go through his inheritance. Madam Pomfrey was fast at work because Fudge wanted Harry out of the school while Dumbledore was fighting against it. I or my staff have read all of them personally and will do so before another is added. She stumbled through woods, branches striking out at her. The ones still alive were hiding, afraid for the muggles. By Harry Potter's side, this she-wolf will finally have happiness if only her mate will accept her. Not even Draco is able to remain calm. As the ring melted in Mt. The Cunning Lion By: KnightCarter007. Harry kissed her palm as he took over holding the napkin to his neck. It was warm even pleasantly so thought Harry as the blackness started to close in, Harry voiced what only thought he had if it was going to be his dieing one. "Good day Madam Bones. Alternate Universe - Teen Wolf (TV) Fusion; Horcrux Hunting; Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship; Hermione Granger & Harry Potter are Siblings;. Can't even enjoy an aquarium on my own. Follow the fate of the wizarding world when Albus Dumbledore is forced to change his way of thought. Potter was unable for comment on his choice in pets, because whenever someone had approached the hero, the wolf had warded them off. When Malfoy and his cronies had disentangled themselves, They ran as fast as they could. Can Percy forget the past and help the gods or will he stay in his normal life. The Dire Wolf greeted the Grim with an excited bark of its own as the smaller canine began to jump around the larger one in a display of four-legged footwork. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Severus S. Then events change their lives going into Fourth Year. A Dramatic Reading By: White Squirrel. Deep in the woods of Maine, a lone figure tore apart another tree. Apparently, knowledge of Mr. All dead, but one still drew breath. Deep within his mind, he hated Ares James Black since the first day. A single filing cabinet in one corner and a potted plant that looks like it's seen better days. He was tired… so tired. ''Come on Fawkes let's do this'' Harry grunted the venom and tears starting to take its toll. Prologue pt 1. Harry is a five year old abused boy who lives with his relatives, until one day a big black dog and a brown wolf enter his uncle's house changing his life forever. 2: Snape Events. Hybrid. "Oh, I'm sorry!" He said, nuzzling me to his chest. Maria Moonstar was homeschooled for the first two years of her magical schooling after the tragic death of her father. They clamped around his chin, but didn't sink in. Harry is a five year old abused boy who lives with his relatives, until one day a big black dog and a brown wolf enter his uncle's house changing his life forever. It was an arduous process, but Harry was willing to fully dedicate himself to learning to be closer to Sirius and his father. } {Harry looked between the two beings, "Are you saying that I have two forms?" The Wolf/Cat nodded, then a sort of communication was broadcast by the kitsune in his lap. Into a cat. The screams of Captain Wood encouraging his suicidal followers to train beyond the limits of human resistance were arriving to their ears from the window. Professor Babbling went with the solicitor and Harry didn't see her until the start of the term. A typical werewolf would just eat them. A potions accident turns Harry into a wolf, and who better to take care of him than our resident werewolf? WARNING: this is a SLASH fic. After his run, he went to the nearby forest and unpacked his tent, which amazed him even more once he saw it from within and. When she and her mates had completed the first animagus transformation, the one that directly reflected ones inner animal, Harri had been slightly disappointed. "What is it girl" Harry barked to the dire wolf in his Animagus form which stopped and turned to face her, when he noticed her tummy bulging rather oddly, and that water had melted away the snow from behind her he knew the babies were coming. " "Hush little one. Then, in early January of his Sixth year, he finally transformed. Once inside he smiled at the other person in there. No Yaoi. " "Don't worry Potter, I can handle myself. The witch decides that revenge is in order, and her first point of call is a new boyfriend - Harry. The first was the bond he shared with his lover. Harry is a five year old abused boy who lives with his relatives, until one day a big black dog and a brown wolf enter his uncle's house. For reasons he was struggling to remember Harry was stood in a field at the local park, naked. The sudden rustling of the bushes cause Harry to tense. " Feeling happier than he'd been in a long time, Harry joined Remus in the corridor. Harry couldn't help but blush even though no one was around to see him. Other pairings undecided. Features Harry with a strong support structure, Wizengamot politics, global wizarding politics, and characters. Werewolf Hermione Granger. The first person to see Mr. what happens when he's unexpectedly kidnapped, losing his eyesight? He shifts into a Nundu cub. Confident/Skilled Harry. Nobody gave him a second glance as he walked towards the elevator. Pairings: Harry/Edward, past! Edward/Bella. "The Swedish Short Snout, Mr Krum" Victor put his hand into the bag and pulled out a red dragon with a number 3 around its neck "The Chinese Fireball, scary, Mr Potter". "I missed you. Follow Harry as he goes to school, makes friends and falls in love while training to face the most powerful Dark Lord alive. - Chapters: 27 - Words: 77,544 - Reviews: 822 - Favs: 2,969 - Follows: 3,383 - Updated. Will Harry Potter accept this she. Harry is sent to La Push to study the werewolves for his Senior project. When he wasn't at a school that seemed to have a schedule designed to put him in an early grave, he lived with his “relatives” who wouldn’t care if he dropped dead, in fact they would probably light his corpse aflame and roast marshmallows to. It showed himself half-transformed into a cat and pouncing on an enormous, rabid wolf with one eye who was circling and fighting a smaller wolf and a black dog. He was also cold and his body shivered slightly as a cool wind blew over his bare chest and…other places. Death Reborn. When he returns to the magical world along with his 12 year old son, the changes will be fast and shocking. Complete. "That's a demon dog, that is. Werewolf Harry/Hermione dive into the world of the werewolves. "Bringing the Hallows together, then keeping them together for so long was not in the plans fate had for you, Harry Potter. Chapter one. Harry makes it his mission to make sure Sirius and his friends grow up in a better world. Who is Harry Potter well he is a scrawny under weight child who has been dumped on from a great height a few to many times. Harry, Daphne, Ginny and Hermione had spent countless hours going over this plan. And his sisters life, in hopes that they can change the future and change the lived of the people lost. - Chapters: 15 - Words: 24,823 - Reviews: 282 - Favs: 1,535 - Follows: 2,014. After an Animagus potion gone wrong, Harry becomes a tiger and is unable to change back. A time event. AFTERSHOCKS. Salazar had told him that an Animagus gained the mind of its form and if one allowed it could give the wizard the raw power of the creature he turned into.