gradesaver book summary. Cal was born a girl in January of 1960 in Detroit, Michigan to a Greek-American family. gradesaver book summary

 Cal was born a girl in January of 1960 in Detroit, Michigan to a Greek-American familygradesaver book summary  The Help focuses on three women in 1960s Jackson Mississippi: Aibileen, who works as a nanny and housekeeper for the Leefolt family; Minny, an outspoken maid; and Skeeter, a recent college graduate

The Wealth of Nations Summary and Analysis of Book IV. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. 1. The sixth book of the Kama Sutra discusses the courtesan, delineating her role, her responsibilities, and even the workings of her mind. Seuss begins the book by introducing readers to Fox (the aforementioned Fox in Socks) and Knox, as well as the props that accompany them (a box/pair of socks; chicks/bricks, etc. The third is when Winnie Foster decides to run away; she. Four children named Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy go to the country to live in the large, mysterious house of an old Professor during the London air raids. Lord of the Flies Summary. There are certain autobiographical details that are related, but this is by no means a conventional telling of the story of Augustine's life. He learns the meaning of friendship and the meaning of love and. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous. In 1933, America was entering its fourth year in the. A number of policies were detrimental and opposed to the progression of public well-being and wealth. Summary: Book VII. She has become quiet so that Boethius, in his weakened spiritual state, entreats her to speak. Morrel, rushes out to meet the ship. " One time, a lesser man, Nithhad, captured him and bound him with tendons. " He identifies a student, called Girl number twenty, who replies that her name is Sissy Jupe. Around the World in 80 Days Summary. It does not exist. Summary. Zits is a Native American, but does not entirely (or at all) relate to that part of himself. In this Book he concentrates on the most literary and intense kind of exegesis - the use of language. Ernest Cline ’s science fiction novel looks at a world where living in a virtual reality game, the OASIS, is better than real life. My Antonia Summary and Analysis of Book I, Chapters 1-10. The Help focuses on three women in 1960s Jackson Mississippi: Aibileen, who works as a nanny and housekeeper for the Leefolt family; Minny, an outspoken maid; and Skeeter, a recent college graduate. Beloved Summary. The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in Hobbiton. 632, approximately seven centuries after the twentieth century. Tris, Tobias, and their friends set out on a mission to discover what is. This act of association creates a collective body called the "sovereign. Utopians who commit serious crimes are also held as slaves and they are. Agnès agrees. The children of slaves are not held in slavery. He kills Dumbledore with the Avada Kedavra curse. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly Summary. While passing through the woods where William was strangled, he catches sight of the monster and becomes convinced that the monster is his brother’s murderer. Unbeknownst to any of the three travelers, the unknown knight is Britomart, a woman on her own quest. The novel begins with Demon, the protagonist of the story, recounting the troubled circumstances of his birth. The Magician's Nephew Summary. Frankenstein Summary. The story starts on the 20th of May, 1859, when Nikolai Kirsanov, the son of a Russian general, waits for the arrival of his son. Puzzled and thinking he was hallucinating, Grigory followed the sound. Don Quixote Book I Summary. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. It is believed that the main target of invasion from the sea will be the south coast, and the biggest threat of mass bombing raids from the sky will be in London. In 1984, George Orwell presents his vision of dystopia, a world consisting of three massive totalitarian states constantly at war with each other and using technological advancements to keep their respective Party members and masses under careful observation and control. Allegiant Summary. The Republic Summary and Analysis of Book X. April 1861 Tara Plantation, sprawling in twenty-five miles from Atlanta, Georgia, Gemini Tarleton Stewart and Brent, being in love with the charming daughter of Tara host, sixteen years old Scarlett, tell her two pieces of news. She drinks liquid oxygen. Noughts and Crosses Summary. A band of rowdy suitors, believing Odysseus to be dead, has overrun his palace, courting his faithful -- though weakening -- wife, Penelope, and going through his stock of food. . During a school trip to a museum, a bully, Nancy Bobofit, bullies Percy’s friend Grover. Twilight tells the story of Bella Swan and the vampire she falls in love with, Edward Cullen. While he tries to repair his engine and monitor his dwindling supply of water and food, a little boy appears out of nowhere and simply asks him to draw a sheep. The Republic Summary and Analysis of Book VII. The ship reaches the harbor, and the man goes through processing along with the other immigrants. He is going to meet with a noble of Transylvania, Count Dracula. Music plays and banners fly as the army of rebel angels comes to attention, tormented and defeated but. Edmund, Gloucester's bastard son, vows to steal the land and legitimacy of his half brother Edgar by manipulating both father and brother against each other. The woman relates Venice to the water, since there are famously so many waterways leading to the sea. At a diner, Tony writes a letter to Dolores, bragging that he had steak and eggs for breakfast and telling her that the band is playing at "very ritzy joints. The Republic Summary and Analysis of Book X. At first, Montag takes pleasure in his profession as a fireman, burning illegally owned books and the homes of their owners. Mary advises David not to tell anyone about the dream. Iago, an ensign in the Venetian army, is bitter about being passed over for lieutenant in favor of Cassio. In order to contextualize the danger posed by this outbreak, Preston provides background about several other viral outbreaks, particularly in Africa in the 1970s and 1980s. Runner Summary. Indeed, as long as they behave with decency and propriety, they can. He, too, is wearing a mouse mask. Chapter 1: The Worst Birthday. As Paul packs up his house in Houston, he has a terrifying vision of Erik leaning out the window of a car, wearing a ski-mask, swinging a baseball bat at Paul’s head. Goneril and Regan plot to take all of Lear's power out of his hands quickly. An arms race erupts with slingshots being the main weaponry. Great Expectations Summary. They are taken into a lab, with a total of 63 rats. Lena's children, Walter and Beneatha, each have their plans for the money. Peter Pan Summary. Summary. Exeter Book Summary and Analysis of "Deor". Wormwood and their son, Michael, are. Beadohild was impregnated by her brothers' murderer and felt much emotional turmoil, but the pain eventually. Enfield launches into a story about a strange occurrence related to the door. Utopians also travel to foreign countries to purchase and enslave criminals condemned to die. Summary. Death remarks that Nazi Germany was built in particular on burning: synagogues, houses, Reichstags, and books. Julius Caesar opens with a scene of class conflict, the plebeians versus the tribunes. Kempe is there when Jesus is born and she remains with the family for some time. A ghost now, he watches his distraught mother arrive at the scene as police warn the crowd of angry and upset locals to stay back. They don't want to remind him of his recent adventures because the old gentleman needs to stay at home. The story starts in the first week of August when three things happen on the same day. Farther down the river, the King and Duke sell Jim into slavery, claiming he is a runaway slave from New Orleans. While they are loitering about, waiting for the. Sephy’s father, Kamal, is the Home Office Minister, and she has multiple homes with servants; Callum. After he passes a medical examination, the man is given his. GradeSaver offers study guides, application and school paper editing services, literature essays, college application essays and writing help. The final book of The Republic begins with Socrates return to an earlier theme, that of imitative poetry. The poem was composed sometime in the few years after this event, and it is generally considered to be. During that adventure, Mole also learns. A good government attempts to legislate such that it helps to habituate its citizens to act virtuously. In the dream Rufus clings to him and he welcomes the embrace, but when he wakes he is with Eric. Written by Polly Barbour. Grade Saver focus on classic literature, and are pretty much a one-stop-shop when it comes to student resources. To facilitate these transitions in this summary, the Holocaust narrative is written in normal font, while all other narratives are written in italics. The film is based on a true story, and the script took its lead from a book written by the driver's son as well as a. The poor boy had six fingers and died after only two weeks, devastating his parents. He accepts a tip from some patrons as Bobby Rydell begins to sing. More books than SparkNotes. In war-torn Poland, the Balicki family lives under Nazi occupation after the German invasion. Frankenstein Summary. And Then There Were None Summary. , and is a very gifted athlete and scholar, who from an early age shows deep intensity. Two neighborhood children meet and become friends during a summer in London in the late 1800s. The priest and barber visit Don Quixote to see how he is doing. One of the primary themes in Book II is the great value of one's family. Chapter 1. The Hot Zone Summary. Tuck Everlasting Summary. Each study guide. The Measure, Erlick's debut novel and her first attempt at a full-length manuscript, was published in June 2022 and was an instant New York Times bestseller. He asks for help from the Seeonee pack. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Attempting to escape punishment for his own membership in the Dead Poet's Society, Richard Cameron tells Nolan that Neil's death is entirely Keating's fault. On her way home, Liesel finds a newspaper for Max. Tyler is holding a gun in the Narrator’s mouth. Having just lost both his parents in Virginia, he is travelling with a hired man Jake Marpole to live with his grandparents. On a snowy night, the book thief Liesel Meminger and her six-year-old brother Werner are traveling with their mother by train to Munich, where Liesel and her brother are to be given over to foster parents. CliffsNotes can help you prepare for whatever standardized, professional, or proficiency test you need to take. Tolstoy imbues the simple tale of a love affair with rich portraits of Russian high society, politics, and religion. The third and final novel in the Hunger Games trilogy opens with Katniss Everdeen walking through the remains of District 12, her former home. The poem was composed sometime in the few years after this event, and it is generally considered to be. New Kid begins with Jordan Banks, a 12-year-old Black boy, sitting with his parents in their living room in Washington Heights, Manhattan. Though the dialogue is retold by the narrator, Socrates, one day after it has occurred, the actual events unfold in house of Cephalus at the Piraeus on the festival day of the goddess Bendis (Artemis). Fahrenheit 451 Summary. Chueh-hsin, having lost both of the women he loved, covertly aids Chueh-hui, providing him with money and keeping his whereabouts secret. (S)he is a 5-Alpha-Reductase pseudohermaphrodite, which he discovered when he was sixteen. The Color Purple Summary. The story starts with an account of. Petersburg, just off the shore of the Mississippi River. The Republic Summary and Analysis of Book VI. Paul Fisher, an eighth grader with bad eyes, is afraid of his older brother, Erik. Thirteen Reasons Why Summary. The world is governed by the Thunderhead, an artificial. Snape does not hesitate. Rachel passes away just a few days after her film is screened. The youngest Toro son is named Mayor. Through the intervention of. Achelous agrees to tell the story of how he lost one of his horns, an injury that limited his ability to change shapes, saying that he once fell in love with a woman, Deianira, and approached her father as a suitor. The story begins with the narrator Jim Burden, age 10, travelling by rail across the country to Nebraska. The police think her husband Kevin is responsible for the damage to her arm, but she insists that he is not. We rejoin Perseus ' wedding-feast, which devolves into a riot when Andromeda 's uncle Phineus, whom she was promised to marry, threatens to throw a spear at Perseus for stealing his intended. Tally Youngblood is one of the last uglies in her community to undergo the mandatory plastic surgery that turns sixteen-year-olds into pretties, people whose appearance has been altered to reflect her culture's beauty ideal. On that same day his wife Amy Elliott Dunne disappears from their home in North Carthage, Missouri. The book opens as the protagonist is on a book tour, and being chased by another character. Perseus "Percy" Jackson is a twelve-year-old New Yorker who has dyslexia and ADHD. More books than SparkNotes. Stanley Yelnats IV is an overweight teenage boy from a poor family, whose future fortune depends on his inventor father discovering the secret to curing bad foot odor. Test Prep. Mae Holland has landed a job at the Circle, “the most influential company in the world,” with help from her college friend Annie. The Help Summary. Rufus pushes him up high, and he glimpses Ida below. And then, without warning, suddenly the pensioners have a host of hot cases on their hands and the story. Written by Julia Kilroy and other people who wish to remain anonymous. Though the dialogue is retold by the narrator, Socrates, one day after it has occurred, the actual events unfold in house of Cephalus at the Piraeus on the festival day of the goddess Bendis (Artemis). Using the metaphor of motherhood, she describes the book as her child. As the novel begins, we are introduced to our protagonist Aminata Diallo, an 11-year-old girl from Nigeria. They are about to eat, when a net swoops down and catches them. The The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. Liesel goes out with him and is impressed by Hans' cleverness and talent as a painter. Baldini is so impressed with the scent that Grenouille creates that he buys his apprenticeship from Grimal. Anela Myalatya is a teacher currently moderating a debate between his student, Thami Mbikiwani, and a student from a school in the affluent white neighborhood. Book 1: Summary: The Iliad begins with the Trojan War already in progress. The narrator, Nick Carraway, is Gatsby's neighbor in West Egg. Hera sends a mist to confuse and slow the retreat of the men going back towards the city. At the same time Percy defends his friend. The protagonist of the book, who also happens to be its author, has a condition called pseudocoma, which means that he appears to be. Just Mercy opens with Bryan Stevenson going to visit Henry, his first death row prisoner. The old houses around it are falling apart, their roofs are caving in, their towers are crumbling, their gates are broken, and frost clings to the mortar. In the beginning, Brahma, the Lord of Beings, created men and women, and laid down rules for existence that dealt with dharma, artha, and kama. It focuses on Briony Tallis, the thirteen-year-old youngest daughter of three, who aspires to be a writer. Fascinated by the sight, she follows the rabbit down the hole. As the play opens, he learns of Macbeth's bravery in a victorious battle against Macdonald—a Scot who sided with the Norwegians. The White Tiger Summary. Overview In The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, an orphan boy is raised by ghosts in a cemetery, where he learns how to become invisible, haunt people’s dreams, and face his destiny against those who want to kill him. She is kidnapped by a gang of slave traders along with a number of others from her village and is forced to walk alongside them for three months all the way to the docks where she is to be sent to be America. Written by Ariel Chen, Mary Chavis. It contains several 23 homilies in prose and 6 poetic creations. He is the "beast" of human nature, as Plato terms it, and the very worst kind of man. Tuesdays With Morrie Summary. While attending his high school reunion in 1995, he runs into his old friend Jerry Levov. The knight jousts with Guyon, knocking him from his horse. Authors innovated with narrative voice and. He was born to a single mother in a trailer park in Lee County, Virginia, part of southern Appalachia. Analysis. As the Northern Cause and Abraham Lincoln’s policies won, many of. Satan believes that Job loves God only because he is wealthy. The Republic Summary and Analysis of Book VI. Matt knew instinctively not to run away but wanted to enable both of the boys to escape; he threw the rabbit they had killed earlier at the bear, temporarily confusing her. V for Vendetta Summary Full Book Summary First published in 1982, the graphic novel V for Vendetta depicts a near-future version of a dystopian Britain in the 1990s, following a nuclear war that decimated much of Europe and the world. The story switches perspective to Via, Auggie's older sister, who begins high school at the same time that Auggie starts middle school. Tony follows. He listens to their conversation, and he thinks repeatedly about Arrakis, the planet his father. The day after Thomas arrives a girl is sent up into the Glade, the first ever. Bridge to Terabithia centers around fifth grader Jesse (Jess) Aarons, an artistic but poor boy living on this family’s farm with his parents and four sisters. Cal was born a girl in January of 1960 in Detroit, Michigan to a Greek-American family. The story picks up where the series' previous installment, The Maze Runner, left off. The main characters of ' Cloud Cuckoo Land ' are on a mission to understand the world around them. Summary Full Book Summary One night, a man called Jack murders a mother, a father, and a daughter. The three men discuss a wide. A knight, identified only by the red cross on his shield, accompanies an unnamed lady (later revealed to be Una) across a plain. The story begins by introducing a boy called Travis Coates, who works hard on his family ranch to. THE ACCORDIONIST (The Secret Life of Hans Hubermann) Max is standing in the Hubermanns' kitchen. A classic underdog, the little horse. ACT. Then man arrived from the east, and the relationship between nature and man throve. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Leigh persona, and eventually he is offered the opportunity to serve on a panel for The Book Award, gifted by the National Book Association. Chapter I is taken from the May 3rd and May 4th entries in Jonathan Harker 's journal. Kama Sutra Summary. Section 1: Ethical virtues are acquired by habituation; they do not arise in us from birth, but we by nature have the capacity to receive and perfect them. Jonas begins The Giver feeling uneasy about the upcoming Ceremony of Twelve, where he will receive the Assignment that determines his vocation for the rest of his working life. The scientists are trying to study brains. Into the Wild is the true story of Chris McCandless, a young Emory graduate who is found dead in the Alaskan wilderness in September 1992, when he is twenty-four. Harry realizes that this is who was peering out at him from the hedge that afternoon. The story begins with the narrator Jim Burden, age 10, travelling by rail across the country to Nebraska. Marlow takes a job as a riverboat captain with the Company, a Belgian concern organized to trade in the Congo. She says that she has fully diagnosed the cause and nature of his condition, and will prepare the "persuasive powers of sweet-tongued rhetoric," a power often abused by those who. After the Birmingham Church Bombing of 1963, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is finally passed. The book is organized chronologically into five main sections. " The poem expresses Bradstreet's feelings about her brother-in-law’s publication of some of her poems in 1650, which she was not aware of until the volume was released. Thrasymachus, Polymarchus, and the others having gone on to enjoy the festival, Socrates, Glaucon, and Adeimantus are left alone to continue the debate on justice. One night during a performance of Faust, with the resident prima donna, Carlotta, playing the female lead, the Phantom causes Carlotta to lose her voice and the chandelier to fall into the audience. Study Guides are offered for free by GradeSaver on novels, plays, poems and films ranging from Animal Farm to Yonnondio: From the Thirties. The Dunciad Summary. Tony "Tony Lip" Vallelonga is a doorman and bouncer at the club and shows people to their seats. On a snowy night, the book thief Liesel Meminger and her six-year-old brother Werner are traveling with their mother by train to Munich, where Liesel and her brother are to be given over to foster parents. Paradise opens in 1976 with nine men going in for the kill. To their dismay, when they arrived in the Emerald City the Wizard claimed he could not help them. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is a novel by Holly Jackson. ). The Crucible, a historical play based on events of the Salem witchcraft trials, takes place in a small Puritan village in the colony of Massachusetts in 1692. The year is 1947. Things Fall Apart Summary. "The Recompense of Life". Half asleep, Liesel dreams of Adolf Hitler speaking at a rally where. The Foot Book Summary. Thirteen Reasons Why follows the story of Clay Jensen, as he returns home from school to find a mysterious package on his bed. The third is when Winnie Foster decides to run away; she is tired. The Republic Summary and Analysis of Book I. Narayan, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Thirty years later, at the end of the novel, she has forged her own life. Journey to the Center of the Earth Summary. Kempe assists at Mary’s birth and then when Mary gets pregnant, Kempe begs her to take her as her servant. Sweet Home was run by a cruel man known as schoolteacher, who allowed his. Wuthering Heights Summary. They follow him to a group of four boys led by a 15-year-old thief, Arthur Berg. One relationship in particular -- that between the whale rider and his giant whale -- was exemplary of a. To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Alabama during the Depression, and is narrated by the main character, a little girl named Jean Louise "Scout" Finch. CHAMPAGNE AND ACCORDIONS. Father Zossima is given a customary requiem service, and by dawn. Having just lost both his parents in Virginia, he is travelling with a hired man Jake Marpole to live with his grandparents. Axel, the enthusiastic and excitable nephew of the illustrious professor and mineralogist Otto Lidenbrock, narrates the tale of the journey to the center of the Earth. She is tortured by her isolation. He reiterates that while he is still content with having banished poetry from their State, he wishes to explain his reasons more thoroughly. The novel begins a prologue that finds her in a hospital room just after her arm was amputated. Job is considered a righteous man who cannot sin due to his faith in God. Green Book is a 2018 American comedy-drama directed and co-written by Peter Farrelly. Old Yeller Summary. Meanwhile, Peeta Mellark has been captured by the Capitol. The book opens with Jess training to become his classroom’s fastest runner. The Youngers are a poor African-American family living on the South Side of Chicago. Okonkwo has risen from nothing to a high position. In addition to the reviews and chapter summaries, it also offers lesson plans for teachers, biographies of more than 1,500 authors, and a. Two men bid feverishly against each other until the auctioneer brings down his hammer and Joey is led away. Living with his Papa and Mama and three sisters in the Ozark Mountains in Oklahoma, all 10-year-old Billy wants is two hounds with whom he can hunt "coons" (racoons). The story is narrated from the year 2002. In Castle Caladan, where House Atreides has lived for 26 generations, Jessica—Duke Leto’s concubine, Paul’s mother, and a Bene Gesserit Lady—shows a mysterious old woman her son’s room. The Yelnats family is said to be cursed: Stanley's great-great-grandfather did not honor a promise he made to an old woman with magical powers, and misfortune has. First published in 1918, My Antonia is a modernist novel. The headmistress of Agnès' school doesn't initially take a liking to her and pries into her business (particularly her letters to Fabienne). Richard Enfield, are leisurely walking through London. He kills Dumbledore with the Avada Kedavra curse. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. It is written from the point of view of the mature adult who recounts his own obstacles and the obstacles of those around him and how it all shaped his life and his beliefs. The book begins with reports of attacks occurring in Seattle. There is also a key on the table, which unlocks a tiny door; through this door, she spies a beautiful garden. Frank suffers from post-traumatic stress. Emilie is the second book which receives far greater attention than the first. Book 21 Chapters 1-3. The most compelling of these qualities is "confidence," or the idea that a man must dispel. She wants to go home. Summary: Weyland was a strong man, and he was used to suffering, longing, and "wintry exile. Set in a mostly black town in Ohio, the story explores the relationship between women in the segregated and patriarchal South. City of God Summary. While dancing, they are caught by the local minister, Reverend Parris. One day while spring cleaning, Mole feels a sudden dissatisfaction and leaves his underground home. Dr. In the Puritan New England town of Salem, Massachusetts, a group of girls goes dancing in the forest with a black slave named Tituba. We pick up ten years after the fall of Troy in the Trojan War (the subject of The Iliad). It is the year 1984, and Winston lives in Airstrip One, which used to be known as Great Britain. 1984 - Book Summary. The novel begins with the narrator describing the life and work of the artist Charles Strickland. He soon discovers a small river community out in the country, and makes a new friend in Rat. She sits silently with her face covered in a chador scarf while her father, who has difficulty walking and needs her assistance, tries to sell off some of the family's household goods. Something is amiss in Denmark -- for two successive nights, the midnight guard has witnessed the appearance of the ghost of Old Hamlet, the former King of Denmark who has recently died. . First, the crew greedily opens the bag of winds, even disloyally suspecting Odysseus of keeping his treasure from them. Fever 1793 Summary. Adam Smith begins by stating that the greatest improvements in the productive power of labor lie in the division of labor. J. Michael attempts to free Taylor from Elgen Academy but instead is kidnapped and is put into Cell 25, a torture cell. Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Summary and Analysis of Book One. The play takes place in Scotland. Heart of Darkness Summary. During her birth, Ella of Frell, is gifted by Lucinda the Fairy, with the gift of obedience. While Grigory was burying the child, he heard a baby crying. Homegoing follows the descendants of an Asante woman in the 1700s named Maame. She is filled with guilt for her role in inciting the uprising and anger against President Snow for his oppressive tactics. The play takes place in Scotland. That night, at the nightly sharing of feelings, after his sister, father, and mother discuss their emotions, his parents comfort him about his worries. At the start of the novel, Celie is a fourteen-year-old, vulnerable, abused black girl who addresses her letters to “Dear God. Unable to live up to what his father wants him to be, Mayor is just an average boy. Death describes itself as affable, yet not nice; in discussing this work, Death is candid, noting that the reader is going to die, but that this is. Robert Walton, an English adventurer, undertakes an expedition to the North Pole. McCandless grows up in wealthy Virginia suburbs of Washington, D. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. The pigs milk the cows, and then the animals go out to begin the harvest. Jupe's father is involved in a horse-riding circus and this is not respectable in Gradgrind. The Three-Body Problem begins in 1967 in Beijing, China, during the Cultural Revolution. After finding out that his first wife is unfaithful, Shahrayar kills. K. His father sees him hiding a letter he is carrying and forces him to show it. In Castle Caladan, where House Atreides has lived for 26 generations, Jessica—Duke Leto’s concubine, Paul’s mother, and a Bene Gesserit Lady—shows a mysterious old woman her son’s room. SUMMARY. GradeSaver has complete and detailed summaries of Chapters One to Three readily available in its study guide for the unit. Summary. The cub is followed by a large, angry mother bear on the attack. The Kite Runner Summary. Summary: Written in the first person, the titular wife begins by saying that her words come from a "deep sadness", which is a result of her exile. He picks it up and goes to the YMCA in Macon, where an officer brings him back to the. The Rabbits Study Guide. The Rabbits is a 1999 picture book that depicts rabbits invading a country and displacing the indigenous marsupial population. Summary: Book I. Grief-stricken, Victor hurries home. The Scarlet Letter Summary. Via has had to come to terms with the fact that her family's universe revolves around Auggie and his needs; hers often get pushed to the side. She is a Cross, dark-skinned, wealthy, and privileged; he is a nought, the light-skinned lower class that was once enslaved by Crosses. Huck decides to rescue Jim, and daringly walks up to the house where Jim is being kept. During the journey Jim reads the "Life of Jesse James. There, his mother nurtures him, raises him and gives him advice which he remembers and acts on for the rest of his life: do good and give your best effort always and everything will work out. Although the tyrant appears to have unlimited freedom, ultimately, he is ruled by his appetites and is a slave to them. They're trying to reach the hold-outs of staunch racism and segregation in the Deep South. She grows up well-off and happy in London; at fifteen, she marries the son of a wealthy brewer. A Bantu classroom at Zolile High School in South Africa, circa 1984. Aristotle's Politics Summary and Analysis of Book VIII. During an unnamed time of war, a plane carrying a group of British schoolboys is shot down over the Pacific. A. The Crucible Summary. Full Play Summary. The Magician's Nephew Summary. Founded in 1958 by Clifton Keith Hillegass, CliffsNotes is the original company that produced study. The Consolation of Philosophy. SUMMARY. Duncan, the king of Scotland, is at war with the king of Norway. The heading to his journal entry tells us that Jonathan is. CliffsNotes is the original (and most widely imitated) study guide. It is structured as a first person narrative in the form of two letters by Clara Wieland. Bella moves to the small and rainy town of Forks, Washington, to live with her father after her mother remarries. The Chrysalids Summary. However, Leslie Burke, a new girl who earns the approval of teachers. Michael and Taylor and Ostin are placed together after spending time in cell 25, and are sentenced to be killed by Zeus. Summary. She is a socially awkward and odd young girl, who has one friend, Lilly Moscovitz. The bulk of the novel takes place in Umuofia, a cluster of nine villages on the lower Niger. Free Offers In-App Purchases iPhone Screenshots GradeSaver offers the highest quality study guides. The entire novel is narrated through letters by Balram Halwai to the Premier of China, who will soon be visiting India. A cigarette girl takes cigarettes and cigars. One day while attempting to enter an abandoned house through the attic, the two children take a.