5e attunement limit. the Staff of Adornment. 5e attunement limit

 the Staff of Adornment5e attunement limit What about removing the attunement limit within DDB for ease, and just enforcing the limit manually

136-137. 5 and 4. 5e isn't like 3e where all players were magical Christmas trees. Sending stones come in pairs, with each smooth stone carved to match the other so the pairing is easily recognized. 1. X. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. Bond with it, take it out occassionally, send out the invitations, marry your bonded weapon and grow old with your weapon of choice while still having the three Attunement for a little fun on the side. There were 3 slots and you could click the little box of the items you wanted to attune to in the attunement section. Many gnome devices, clockwork or otherwise, do not require attunement. You're now more limited in equipment, with only two rings, one belt, etc. Voici un résumé des règles D&D5 à destination des nouveaux joueurs afin de comprendre les mécanismes de base. g. The finder's lens (purchased by the player characters in Session 9, it is actually an alchemy item) does not require. You’d typically have up to 10-15 magic items on you in the late game, all doing. "Attunement" is a way D&D 5e limits magical items. It seems that the limit of 30 is intended to be a hard limit whereas the limit at 20 is not. The two differ, and that is not allowed. Most magic items in my campaign are overlooked and left behind. make sure you are abiding by your 3 item attunement limit. They start off with 3 attunement slots like every other class, but that limit is raised when you hit certain levels of Artificer eg. Homunculus Servant. Now, as for the other aspect of these variant rules. As long as you have one of three attunement slots open and an hour to complete the ritual, you’ll receive the benefits of the magical item. the Staff of. For example, a Ring of Protection provides a creature wearing it with an additional +1 bonus to their armor class. Because Artificers love their shiny toys, they are the only exception to. In Monteporte 44, the session began and ended with animated discussions on the rules for attunement to magical weapons. Overall, increasing your attunement limit requires a combination of leveling up your character, investing in attunement-boosting items, and carefully selecting the magical items that will provide you with the greatest benefits in combat and other situations. That alone is extremely impressive. That modifier doesn’t add an Attunement slot, it hard sets the number of slots to match the fixed value. Rod of Absorption by Svetlin Velinov. Adamantine Armor. In addition, you must have a Strength score of 17 or higher to lift this great hammer, and Clerics of the Forge Domain have proficiency with this magical hammer. As long as they aren't the same item, a. Bonding=/=Attunement. 161. This of course needs no explanation on how it can become a hassle very quickly. In this article, we dissect the Armor Class mechanic and figure out what makes it tick. To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin and speak the command word. 10. 6th Level – 4 Slots. This is how it's intended to work and it works as intended unless official errata comes out and states otherwise. Limiting players to three special magic items seems dumb. #19. That makes sense! Artificers do not get 6 Attunement slots and 12 Infusion slots. This non-attunement item can produce near-infinite amounts of water. If you're game is going to be that high magic, I don't think there's anything wrong with getting rid of attunement as a whole, just expect your players to be that much more powerful because of it, and adjust accordingly. No christmas trees in my games. Weight. what if we change the "only three item attuned to you" into "a number of…5e playtest had a variant where attunement limits were based on Cha which wouldn't make sense if the attribute was almost always a major dump stat, it could make for an encouragement not to it seems like it might be too impactful. Even in cases where enemies have resistance to non-magical weapon damage you can often overcome those resistances with spells like Magic Weapon. Proficiency with a dagger allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it. However, PC’s in 5e are ridiculously OP. That said, this idea I have is for those, who like me, like the more magic heavy settings. Your turn is yours. An 'integration more from flavor than from system functionality, a very "crude" integration of Exhaustion, Death Save and Rest (both. You gain the following benefits: • You have advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks when investigating the nature of a magical object or device. Thanks to st4lk3r87 for providing an update to the extension that adds an option to change the attunement limit from 1 to 10 within Options and also enforce the limit on the inventory tab. The grass is not necessarily greener on the otherside especially since 5e has an 'attunement' limit for magic items - 3 to be precise. Attunement is a mechanic that allows the character to activate magical items in DnD 5E. Conjunctive Attunement. 2. Any attempt to attune to a fourth. 2020-03-26, 09:09 PM. Why have a limit unless. Most characters can only ever attune to three magical items. My players can attune to different numbers of magical items. If you are in a high-magic setting it would. #2. Forgemaster's Might. You can use the identify spell, which explicitly clarifies that you know if an item so identified requires attunement. I wouldn't use any of these items. For those of us not familiar, D&D 5e has a rule on magic items where some require attunement to function. The latest such offender: The attunement slot limitation = 3. You decide what it looks like, including color, style, and accessories, but the armor retains its. If you are flying when the duration expires, you descend at a rate of 30 feet per. Attunement acts as a 'limiter', both in terms of how many you can have active at once, and also in terms of passing items between party members. Second if you think of attunement as figuring out and keepoing track of how a magic item works intelligence would make the most sense. For instance, a Bard trying to attune to a magical lute could spend a short rest messing around with the tuning of the lute to become familiar with the item and forge that bond. Using Elemental Attunement to destroy a castle. too limiting for certain settings. Arcane Eye may earn a small. The options for armor are often more permissive in D&D 5e, so this notoriously squishy class has more advantages there, too. There are a number of caveats that come. The target is the bearer of the other stone. There are no slots in 5e. I have not run into a problem with the limit. How long does it take to attune to that Ring?. Reply reply Handgun_Hero • One of the most powerful ways. If you feel like your question is properly answered, please reply to any. . "-Vedexent "real life is a super high CR. Limiting players to three special magic items seems dumb. Obviously, you can sprinkle on whatever flavor you wish. From Dungeon Master's Guide, page 191. Magic items are not even considered in the DMG for encounter tables, being an optional rule for the DM to implement. One of the most exciting things for Dungeons & Dragons players and Dungeons Masters alike is unearthing the magical items that have been hidden throughout the campaign world. Master Attuner Feat. •. Even if I dislike the concept of attunement* I recognize that it was very helpful in teaching me how reward players in 5e. In older editions of Dungeons & Dragons , your character became a walking-talking magic item storage system. 1. The November 2020 errata for Eberron updates the item description: This item’s attunement requirement has been removed, and both paragraphs of the item’s description have been replaced with the following text: “This item replaces a lost limb—a hand, an arm, a foot, a leg, or a similar body part. Pathfinder: Player Core + Second Edition Core Rulebook. The DMG pages 140-141 give more information on this! Hope this helps! However I would say one of the reasons for the RAW attunement rules is to limit item stacking shenanigans as much as it is with anything else. This is despite the fact that the "normal" cap at 20 is by-passable. 5e:Item attunement limits and setting magic level. Hi, obviously the magic item limit for 5e is 3 so here is a fear I came up with to overcome that, any feedback is welcome :) Master Attuner Requirements: 15 intelligence or Wisdom. Each magic item specifies the need for attunement in the description. Characters Any Concept / Any System. (requires attunement by a spellcaster) or (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, or druid). Pact of the Blade (which is a class feature, not a spell) as named is new to 5e, although pact weapons have been part of the class since 4e. While holding it, the wielder can take a bonus action to cause it to shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Like a lot of 5Ed systems that I wasn’t used to coming in from 3. Only 1 out of 4 had a limit of 2, two get the stop sign at three, and one even at four attuned items. The guides for sentient item creation and artifact creation mention nothing on attunement, but all of the sample items require it. In one of my game we keep the 3 attuned item limit and it is working fine, I give out custom magic items that get. "Some magic items require a creature to form a bond with them before their magical properties can be used. So if you don't create your NPCs as if they're a PC, what do you actually do. It’s a pseudo-crafting system, and covered in rules. You have posted a question about FoundryVTT. Through intensive study of the nature of magic and the process of creating and maintaining magic items, you learn to circumvent normal attunement limits by joining two items together in synchronicity. There’s no limit to how. 2. And their 18th-level feature is literally just increasing the attunement limit to 6 (though they are also able to have 2 more infusions known and 1 more infused item, per the Artificer Table). edit: Found your homebrew feat, that seems way more manageable. Weekly Digests Weekly News Digest Freebies, Sales & Bundles RPG Print News RPG Crowdfunding News. At my tables, the three item attunement limit applies to players; not characters. It can only be attuned to if the wielder wears a Belt of Dwarvenkind and Gauntlets of Ogre Power. Wondrous Item, varies (requires attunement by a wizard) First up on our list is the arcane grimoire, a spellbook designed to enhance the power of the magic it contains. They learn 12 different infusions and infuse 6 different items. A subreddit for D&D 5e and One D&D homebrew. 0 marks the beginning of Alpha Testing. When I read about attunement in Legends & Lore, it sounded awesome. Only old fogies like me who prefer older systems dislike certain aspects of 5e. For this reason, I believe the three uncommon versions of instrument of the bard – a doss flute, fochlucan bandlore, and mac-fuirmidth cittern – to be among the best uncommon items in the basic rules of D&D 5e. But if you don't want to make this change. When you cast a paladin spell with a target of Self, you can’t lose concentration on the spell from taking damage. All magic items require attunement. Therefore, the Bag of. Jul 2, 2021. Limit 2: Items that require attunement must be brought into accord with the psyche of the wielder. Unless the item is a weapon or a piece of armour FG won't automatically add in effects. Gauge Charge Time: 90s ※Action changes to Enkindle Bahamut upon execution. Attunement is an elegant way to let players collect a bunch of magic items even in high-magic campaigns without letting the items become problematic. I have increased the attunement limit to 4 for my players (currently level 14) and it will go to 5 at 18. One way around the attunement limit in a high-magic campaign is to give out "gear" that is intangible. Except in games that fundamentally don't work numerically. Attunement - You must attune to all artifacts. That said, having more attunement slots still benefits the artificer at level 20, as they get a +1 to all saving throws per each item they're attuned to. This bond is called attunement, and certain items have. You see, 5e compared to older editions plays more "on the field" rather "on the book". This means that any extreme circumstances can cause a level of exhaustion. Let’s say you have a speed of 30 feet. I know I'm probably preaching to the choir for most of you, but I have a few issues with how attunement works. While you have an available Attunement slot, you have Proficiency in that Saving Throw. #9. The text specifically uses "Replicate Magic Item" for Bag of Holding as an example to show that while you can create several Bags of Holding by taking the Infusion multiple times, you. Armor (scale mail), very rare (requires attunement) Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. For D&D 5e Builds, Tips, News and more see our Youtube Channel Dork Forge Feel free to message for any build requests or challenges 2020-03-26, 09:09 PM (ISO 8601) Assistants are a 15th-level Bard, a 1st-level Peace Cleric and a 6th-level Paladin. Wondrous item (tattoo), rare (requires attunement by a warlock with the pact of the blade feature) Beyond Limits. An 'integration more from flavor than from system functionality, a very "crude. Creatures can telepathically communicate with you only if you. This also means that using all your attunements on Ioun Stones gets you a maximum of three. You have posted a question about FoundryVTT. 12. The attunement limitation is also coupled with a secondary limit of how much skin surface a magic tattoo covers (regardless of creature. The paraelemental planes will murder them on entrance in more ways than a true elemental plane will, and parts of the Abyss, Baator, Gehenna and Pandemonium are suicide without stacked resistances via magic items. This might sound obvious, but a good selection of 5E’s items don’t require attunement. ago. To some degree, that’s true. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Second if you think of attunement as figuring out and keepoing track of how a magic item works intelligence would make the most sense. You see, 5e compared to older editions plays more "on the field" rather "on the book". So, most folks think the major point of this spell is to limit over-abundance of magic items by imposing a per-character maximum (3 attunements at a time) and to. +Rob Conley had created a chart or an excel file listing all the weapons that required attunement from the DMG, and we played around with the concept a bit. But something about attunement kind of irks me. Legendary Ability: Gain a +1 inherent bonus to any ability score. ) The idea seems to be intended to limit the number of very nice magical items a character can get. Characters increase the limit of attuned items by level: Lvl 1-5=3 items; Lvl 6-10=4 items, and so on. Here's how that works. If a magic item requires attunement, only the attuned creature can benefit from that item's effects. coltonamstutz • 8 yr. Tattoo Attunement. Its enchantment scales to its rarity, with uncommon grimoires providing a +1 bonus to your spell attack bonus and spell save. Breaking Your Oath. r/DnD5e • What to do at level 10. I'm presuming that that holds true in your game. Just installed The Attunement Tracker on FG Classic, added it to a current campaign. I understand how attunement could help a DM who has given out too many magic items, but even then there is only so much it can do if they've given out the really powerful items. Attunement. Dec 11, 2017 The 5e rules allow you to attune to a maximum of three items at any given time. You will need to create an effect and apply the effect to the. G. With how the books describe attunement slots and how in the DMG an increase in attunement. Your call on whether Loxodon trunks count as one as well. These limits are to help keep characters a bit more balanced for AL play. They gain extra attunement slots upon hitting levels 10, 14, and 18 and can ultimately attune to a whopping six magical items at a time. How To Get More Attunement Slots 5e. Sun Blade. Hello! Up until recently, there was only a soft limit on the amount of items that a character could attune to: 3, as per the RAW. The attunement part is just theatre of the mind - it isn't a mechanical thing. 2. The attunment doesn't break because it is not present when you are polymorphed. The Magic Tattoo Coverage table in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything helps visualize how big a tattoo might be, but it doesn't impose any limits. If a magic item requires attunement, only the attuned creature can benefit from that item's effects. Though, don't go off thinking you can recreate any magical item, as there are significant restrictions on replicating these items. The party ran across an inconvenient stone castle, complete with large moat. The game already throws at the group many times its numbers in encounters so why cant we use. Tattoo Rarity / Coverage: Very Rare - The tattoo covers two limbs or your entire chest or upper back. The Mace of Smiting is Rare but doesn't require attunement. Whether or not a mindless undead creature—for. Magic items - Artificer levels give us five attunement slots, we'll take a Robe of Stars, a Luck Blade, a Ring of Protection, a Stone of Good Luck and a Staff of Power. If attunement has a particular explanation in your setting ( [MENTION=6775031]Saelorn[/MENTION] 's idea that only creatures with souls can. A table’s title tells you the level you must be in the class to choose an item from the table. In this case, the attunement limits prevent abuse of these quite powerful though also more fragile magic items. When you attune an item, you allow its magic to mingle with your own life essence. This is all fine and well for those who play RAW. Other attunement limitations still apply. Attuning to an item requires a creature to spend a short rest focused on only that item while being in physical contact with it (this can't be the same short rest used to learn the item's properties). In 5e all the cursed items I have seen require attunement. $egingroup$ Additionally the section I mentioned on attunement in the DMG is specifically about putting a limit on the item to prevent it being "passed around" the party to gain a lasting benefit, or to limit the number of items that can be stacked together. #DnD" The Presence of Attunement Will Solve Many Power Problems. There’s a few important things to know. Tidy 5e Sheets v0. The first grants use of the sword's basic +1 bonus, the second grants resistance to dragon-based fear, the third resistance to fire, the fourth resistance to all dragon magic, the last grants +5 hit, +10 damage versus red dragons. A paladin tries to hold to the highest standards of conduct, but even the most virtuous paladin is fallible. In my home games I changed the limit from a fixed number ("3") to your Proficiency Bonus so higher level character could have more attuned magic items. While the sword is ablaze, it deals an extra 2d6 fire damage to any target. See, attunement exists for several reasons. When the polymorph ends, you return to your previous game statistics, which includes the fact you are attuned to the item. Wondrous item (tattoo), uncommon (requires attunement) Bound. As such an item without. 0. Carrying capacity limits how much they can take with them and the time doesnt have to be unlimited to choose. No need for attunement and no limits, as Disguise Self can be cast. It depends on the wand. So, most folks think the major point of this spell is to limit over-abundance of magic items by imposing a per-character maximum (3 attunements at a time) and to prevent players from sharing around a magic item in an unbalancing way. Like all aspects of D&D, attunement comes with its own set of rules. Improve this answer. Attunement is there to limit power, as any DM whose played for a while will. A bag of holding is an enchanted item that has an interior space considerably larger than its outer dimensions, roughly two feet in diameter at the mouth and four feet deep. 5. To some degree, that’s true. Dungeons & Dragons, 5e, Artifacts, Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, Book of Vile Darkness, Book of Exalted Deeds. While you hold the drawn spear, it creates an aura in a 10-foot. If no creature. In 5e attunement works by taking a short focusing on the magical item. Dnd 5e - How many attunement slots do the Teeth of Dahlver. Exclusive Slots & Free Spins Offers: 500% + 150 FS 1st Deposit. Adding a minimum ability score based on spell level to be able to use a scroll is a weird importation of a restriction from D&D 3. The Cloak of Protection is Uncommon, but does. So, my PCs just hit level 9 and I started thinking. In Monteporte 44, the session began and ended with animated discussions on the rules for attunement to magical weapons. This is common. This focus can take the form of weapon practice (for a weapon), meditation (for a wondrous item), or some other. From Dungeon Master's Guide, page 199. Any weapon that's +1/2/3 doesn't require attunement, so I'd rule neither does the pact/bonded weapon. This allows for a balanced character with no one stat being too powerful or too weak. These flames shed bright light in a 40-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet. I like attunement as a limiting factor to the (IMO) ridiculous number of magic items that people had in earlier editions. By gamingballistic January 13, 2015. Source: Dungeon Master's Guide. I think you might also be able to get away with partial attunement limits, where as you level up items of a particular rarity or less don't count against the limit, with legendary and artifact items always counting against the limit. How To Get More Attunement Slots 5e; How To Gain More Attunement Slots Slot;. High-level artificers can attune to more as a core class feature, but at lower. If you are attuned to a suit of armor and a shield, you can either increase both bonuses by 1 or increase. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the. One bag can hold up to five hundred pounds, not exceeding a volume of sixty-four cubic feet. There is no hard and fast limit on the number of magic items a character can use in D&D 5e, but attunement rules and rarity levels may affect their usage. These rules also make it more important to fight at as a team. Most of the magic items that require attunement have some kind of nice effect, not another ring that grant +something and stop. I have increased the attunement limit to 4 for my players (currently level 14) and it will go to 5 at 18. Now that we’ve answered the main question of this article, let’s look at the mechanics of Attunement. They gain extra attunement slots upon hitting levels 10, 14, and 18 and can ultimately attune to a whopping six magical items at a time. Simic Hybrids with Grappling Appendages gain 2 limbs as well (sadly you can't be a centaur hybid for 8 limbs). In fact, they give these arguments because we’re out-right told them later on right in the DMG, in its advice. I find the decision as to which items require attunement and which don’t inexplicable making. most DMs should probably not mess with the attunement limit. These slots are essential because they limit how many magical items a player can use simultaneously, ensuring that the game remains balanced. Here's how that works. Attunement is an important concept in DnD 5e and is essential to understanding how your character interacts with magic items. Cloak of. 3 lbs. It doesn’t require attunement, and has a fly speed of 50 feet, though many medium characters will exceed the 200 pound limit to reduce the speed to 30 feet, but even then 30 feet fly speed with no duration cap and requiring no action after speaking the command word is absolutely incredible. A single combatant can only concentrate on one spell - it makes having allies that much more important. If the character has no space for attuning then they can not attune to the cursed item and it is inert until such a time as they free up space and try to attune. . Jun 29, 2018. This rule doesn’t imply that such creatures have the ability to attune to magic items. Top 10 Magic Items For Wizards. A +1 weapon is simply a magical weapon that has been enhanced with an additional +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. It will end if the attuned creature dies. In DND 5e, the number of attunement slots you get depends on your character level. It can reply — using a bonus action to do so — while your. Like a studded leather armor, plus mage armor wouldn't stack. Tattoos can overlap. No, a +1 weapon does not require attunement in 5e. While you wear these boots, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. Apr 5, 2017. Selecting magic items requires more discernment in the current rules than in some prior editions due to the attunement limits. Hero. That armor now counts as separate items for the purposes of your Infuse Items feature: armor (the chest piece), boots, helmet, and the armor’s special weapon. The core sheet doesn’t care about attunement slots. Which should mean that you've given out about 22-24 items in 6 levels, not counting consumables. For example, if you are a 5th-level artificer, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. Additionally, DM discretion may limit the number of magic items available in a campaign. Attunement. . If the prerequisite is a class, a creature must be a member of that class to attune to the item. Sentient weapons can though refuse to work for a user, and that is. 1 is a PDF document that contains the core rules and mechanics of the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, the popular tabletop role-playing game. While you touch one stone, you can use an action to cast the sending spell from. Wondrous item, uncommon. For instance, weapons and armor that just grant pluses (even +3) don't require attunement. For example, a +1 War Pick doesn’t require attunement. Flame Tongue Longsword. Yes. the Staff of Adornment. Advantage and Disadvantage are blessings for DMs. The Creating Spell Slots table shows the cost of creating a spell slot of a given level. The rod has properties associated with six different buttons that are set in a row along the haft. No house rule of X ability means more attunement slots can work unless it's tailored to a specific ability that a specific group isn't using, it can't work as a general rule, as all it takes is one player to go one the classes I mentioned and they could be rocking around with 8 items attuned (11 for an Artificer) while purely martial characters. From Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, page 135. What Is Attunement? Attunement is a special magical bond that can be formed between a creature and a magic item. Both for flavor and to balance against possible abuses,. Artificers do not get 6 Attunement slots and 12 Infusion slots. I have not run into a problem with the limit. Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement) You can use a bonus action to speak this magic sword's command word, causing flames to erupt from the blade. Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number. I like the idea behind attunement, but, it's not very fun the way it's implemented. An 'integration more from flavor than from system functionality, a very "crude" integration of Exhaustion, Death Save and Rest (both. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Familiar attunement is something completely different, it's a wizard character option. That player characters will only ever have access to 3 attuned items, one concentration spell and 1 bonus action per turn are some of them. Thanks to st4lk3r87 for providing an update to the extension that adds an option to change the attunement limit from 1 to 10 within Options and also enforce the limit on the inventory tab. My 5e conversion of Age of Worms had the party swimming in magic items by level (and the campaign still works even at level 20), but I have also been running a Storm King's Thunder game since. But once you get a firm understanding of how the base game works, you understand which guidelines can be bent, in what ways, and. Bonding=/=Attunement. Magic items are technically an optional rule, and DnD 5e is (allegedly) balanced so that the game works without magic items. Cost. 5e SRD >Gamemastering >Magic Items >. Feature: Exhaustion, Death Save and Rest on NPC. The main issue isn't the three item limit, generally- it's which items you combo as a player. . I actually kinda love the concept of. One way to halfway do what you want but still keep it under control: Keep the limit, but if you feel like handing out a magic item that doesn't require attunement when it normally would, do that instead. Artificer infusions create semi-permanent magic items, giving you a ton of powerful options. Answered. Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a rogue; see below). This is a great opportunity for roleplay and reduces the murderhobo behavior. Glamoured Studded Leather. 5 method could be somehow bolted onto 5e with significant effort & player pushback by:So, the rules were made to follow this. An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time. Thanks to st4lk3r87 for providing an update to the extension that adds an option to change the attunement limit from 1 to 10 within Options and also enforce the limit on the inventory tab. Bond with it, take it out occassionally, send out the invitations, marry your bonded weapon and grow old with your weapon of choice while still having the three Attunement for a little fun on the side. DMs aren't forced to create scenarios that destroy the magic items held by the players in order to reduce the power creep. 35. Armor Modifications. Short and Sweet Overview: If an Attunement limit in 5th edition seems arbitrary, one solution might be to tie a character’s number of attunements to the already existing mechanic of proficiency. Magic items - Artificer levels give us five attunement slots, we'll take a Robe of Stars, a Luck Blade, a Ring of Protection, a Stone of Good Luck and a Staff of Power. 1. I actually kinda love the concept of. Your character doesn't have to take any other match guns. This item, even though supposedly an Oathbow, has the property (requires attunement by a ranger). High Magic Campaign in 5E. The attunement limit is for balancing loot buffs to the players likewise. Your Pact of the Blade feature can now affect an artifact or a sentient weapon. E. Thread starter werecorpse; Start date Sep 22, 2019;. What appears to be just the hilt of a longsword ignites into a magic radiant blade. As a game, 5e has built in the attunement restriction to, ironically, allow greater emphasis on the story and give more control to the DM over magic item distribution.