Latex parindent. Sign up to join this community. Latex parindent

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Note: an alternative for that part of the definition that now reads. I need to move all of the bullet points over towards the the leftmost edge of the margin like all other text you would enter. The framebox is just added to mark the border of the slides, and can be removed if wanted. The origin of the issue seems to be that bookdown makes use of the parskip package by default. Indent subsubsubsection with Latex in the table of contents. 3. The indentation of the other paragraphs can be changed with this command. Share. If I use a llap{text} command at the beginning of an indented paragraph, the text is not indented and is put on the line above the paragraph. Indeed source2e says: leftmargin: space between left margin of enclosing environment (or of page if top level list) and left margin of this list. indent does not work as the code LaTeX inserts to remove the indentation after a section heading really does remove the indentation box, even if added explicitly. sty. If you'd like to indent the first paragraph after a section. This is expected when you have a title or description of what you are listing. documentclass {article} egin {document} itle {Title page} author {Author name} maketitle. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. The one is used to handle the normal version of chapter and the other the starred version. Oct 30, 2015 at 5:52. labelindent. The numbers of the subsections should start in the same vertical line to the text of the section, and also I would like to decrease. These unprotected line endings are otherwise interpreted as spaces and what you see is not an indention (that's why setlength {parindent} {0pt} does not work), but an accumulation of several spaces. setlength{parskip} {aselineskip} A similar behavior is provided by the parskip package, zero parindent and non-zero parskip. This is the second paragraph, which should be indented but is not. The stretchable glue in parskip helps LATEX in nd-ing the best place for page breaks. In two-column. It only takes a minute to sign up. By default, TeX indents the first line of each paragraphs by 20pt. 5parindent, itemindent=0pt, leftmargin=*, listparindent=-leftmargin. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. This is the first paragraph. ] or egin {equation}. Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (398. This is a paragraph. You could change the figure formatting environment to increment a custom counter, then make the paragraph code set a. eleven thirteen fourteen. documentclass [12pt. (the * should serve to calculate the value of. I need subsection headings formatted so that they are indented using the value that is set with the command setlength{parindent}{[some length]}, where [some length] is an arbitrary length. See this question for details. You can safely remove setlength {parindent} {0pt}, instead. In this tutorial, we’ll show how to define loops in a LaTeX document. However, using the option 0, a problem shows up. I then tried. IIRC, latex allows you to define your own counters. It should look like this:. space in between paragraphs and create a custom macro for "indented linebreaks". It can be changed by using LaTeX’s setlength command; for example, to indent paragraphs by 15pt set parindent to 15pt by writing: setlength{parindent} { 15pt } Note that: you can change parindent within a group, ensuring its effect is localized to paragraphs in that group;Remarks. LaTeX will automatically indent the first line of each paragraph that doesn't immediately follow a section heading. Is there a way to do this ? Thanks Ráď documentclass{article} egin{document} section{Section1} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Blah blah blah. Show 2 more comments. typography. If the first paragraph is much longer, than it's fine. It can be changed by using LaTeX’s \setlength command; for example, to indent paragraphs by 15pt set \parindent to 15pt by writing: \setlength{\parindent} { 15pt } Note that: you can change \parindent within a group, ensuring its effect is localized to paragraphs in that group; To start a new paragraph in LATEX, you can leave a blank line in between as stated in the above example. This way is the preferred way, because it is also visible at a page break or after an equation, list etc. Welcome to TeX SX!1. TeX provides a set of basic commands controlling the way a. This is because LaTeX sets the \parindent parameter, which specifies the amount of indentation, to zero inside a parbox. This means there is a redundancy because one of the parameters depends on the others, i. The argument to the command, which you're making empty in your example, is for the title of the paragraph. Indentation in minipage environment. The preamble I used is just. \documentclass {article} \usepackage {showframe} %% just for demo \setlength {\parindent} {2em} \begin {document} A\\ \hspace* {2em}A \end {document} You can find the meaning of \quad by texdef \quad in. pdf format. You can remove that space, as Marcel suggests, or you can add ignorespaces, within your macro definition, to your argument of extbf, prior to #1. setlength {parindent} {default} Where default is whatever the default indentation is for the document class I am using (part of the problem is that I don't know. showparindent TeX will answer with > parindent=parindent. By default, TeX indents the first line of each paragraphs by 20pt. This article explores two methods of making changes to various aspects of paragraph spacing: . Before setting \parindent to zero, we can store its value in another length variable and redefine the \indent command to use this other length variable instead of \parindent (which has been set to zero). Use an enumerate environment so that your items are automatically numbered. 这样排版出来的结果,依然是. setlengthparindent {2em} % or whatever length you desire. So, using indent doesn't have any effect, nor does hspace*{parindent}. Implementation documentclass{article} pagestyle{empty} % for cropping ewcommandshortlipsum{ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Căn lề đoạn văn[sửa] Trong LaTeX, các đoạn văn thường được căn đều hai bên, tức là có cả lề trái và phải. Nếu bạn muốn thay đổi cách căn lề của một. I've placed it after egin {document} and after the ableofcontents as recommended with no results: Whether it's there or not, it simply has no effect and my paragraphs remain indented. z@ is a LaTeX “constant” that's defined to be zero. clo there is \if@twocolumn \setlength\parindent{1em} \else \setlength\parindent{17\p@} \fi and in size12. I am trying to format part of a LaTeX document that should have the first line flush left, the second line should be indented, and then there should be a bullet list. Here's an example that matches the definition of subsection 's afterskip:On the other hand, using. The downside, of course, is only that you'd have to produce a PDF file with the Beamer option handout turned on. Currently this is my fix: ewtheoremstyle {theoremd}% name of the style to be used {}% measure of space to leave above the theorem. We are still in the second paragraph. Without loss of generality, we assume that a<b<c . See full list on overleaf. 5em (based on the default Computer Modern font) at 12pt size. Sun-Yong Kim Sun-Yong Kim. the advance changes the leftskip register which changes the left margin for all following text until the end of the group, the hskip-leftskip is adding. It can be changed by using LaTeX’s \setlength command; for example, to indent paragraphs by 15pt set \parindent to 15pt by writing: \setlength{\parindent} { 15pt } Note that: you can change \parindent within a group, ensuring its effect is localized to paragraphs in that group; The TeXBook contains a full chapter (13) for the modes. It only takes a minute to sign up. Use the quotation environment, instead of quote, and separate paragraphs within the environment with a blank line. 289. documentclass {article} usepackage {indentfirst. Thus, one can save the current parindent before loading the parskip package, and then reinstate that value of parindent. You could use oindent right before the first paragraph after maketitle. Table of Contents. documentclass[12pt]{article} special{papersize=3in,5in} usepackage{amssymb,amsmath} pagestyle{empty}. @egreg, I quite like how it looks with both the indentation and paragraph skip. There seems to be no reason for the parskip package to set \parindent to zero, except its author's preferences. g. To piggyback off of another question LaTeX: indent from second line, I want it to produce something like this:parindent On paragraphs in TeX/LaTeX. The latter has a global scope whereas the remaining two works only with a current paragraph. which means that the parindent is different in twocolumn mode than in one column typesetting. Bei heutigen Fonts kann die tatsächliche. It takes the same arguments as the hangpara command. If you use a different font. It can be changed by using LaTeX’s \setlength command; for example, to indent paragraphs by 15pt set \parindent to 15pt by writing: \setlength{\parindent} { 15pt } Note that: you can change \parindent within a group, ensuring its effect is localized to paragraphs in that group; 1 Answer. e. To disable the indentation for a single paragraph, use oindent at the beginning of the paragraph. In. I suppose the idea of good and bad style. 16 and 28 of the listings manual ): Vertical space The keys aboveskip and belowskip control the vertical space above and below displayed listings. Oct 30, 2015 at 5:52. As an explanation, = sets the tab stops. Mar 14, 2013 at 19:10. 1 Introduction The tikzposter document class le may be used to simplify formatting and gener-ating scienti c posters in the . documentclass [12pt,a4paper] {scrreprt} usepackage {amsthm} ewtheoremstyle. parindent controls the indentation of the first line of all paragraphs from the point of issue onward. LaTeX has tools for formatting paragraphs. However, if you want the new lines between the. Some document class may define abstract to suppress indentation some may not, it is a choice of that class author. . I remember reading somewhere that just changing parindent directly is not wise, since it also affects other things (like itemize etc). The parindent command controls the indentation of paragraphs. 01pt is the amount of space to insert between the heading and text. It only takes a minute to sign up. I need to indent every subsubsection element in my thesis. I use the amsthm package and dont want lines which start right after the theorem environment to be indented. But if not, it looks strange. Any change to \parindent before that will not stick. If you must use a different indentation, use. This means that if you use indent at the beginning of a paragraph, the first line of the paragraph will be indented by the amount specified by the parindent. Suspendisse a neque vestibulum, rhoncus massa vitae, dictum leo. In your code replace. \setlength {\parindent} {0cm} This is my paragraph. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa a aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaa. which defines a command mycmd to take two arguments [2]. I want to display a listing in a gray box with some space around the sides. documentclass {article} usepackage {tikz} egin {document} egin {tikzpicture} ode [draw,fill=yellow!30,inner sep=3mm] { egin {minipage} {4cm} How are you?TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. To indent the first paragraph of each section use: usepackage {indentfirst} For the whole document to have left justification use: usepackage [document] {ragged2e} In case you don't want indentation in your first paragraph (e. Is it theoretically possible to write a preprocessor to spot such errors and report them properly? – TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. Mauris non ligula turpis. 13. I would like. Anybody can ask a question. Mathematical expressions; Subscripts and superscripts; Brackets and Parentheses; Matrices; Fractions and Binomials; Aligning equations; Operators; Spacing in math. It can be changed by using LaTeX’s setlength command; for example, to indent paragraphs by 15pt set parindent to 15pt by writing: setlength{parindent} { 15pt } Note that: you can change parindent within a group, ensuring its effect is localized to paragraphs in that group;default it produces the following paragraph layout: Zero parindent and non-zero parskip. com indent: set the value of \parindent, the paragraph indentation; parfill: adjusts the value of \parfillskip, the glue added at the end of the last line in a paragraph. You will be very lucky if you will. e. Any change to parindent before that will not stick. : 3pt {}% measure of space to leave below the theorem. indentation. There are analogous - and < commands that do what you would. ifnum c@secnumdepth >m@ne just says if the depth of the section counter is anything greater than -1, then add this heading to the table of contents else. Now you can pass a value (1cm, 1. Improve this answer. LaTeX 命令 par 结束当前段落并开始新的段落。 它相当于在 LaTeX 代码中保留一个空行,但它对于可读性和在某些特殊情况下很有用。 例如,您可以使用 par 在表格单元格中开始一个新段落,或者在数学环境之后开始一个新段落。 您还可以在 oindent 命令之后使用它来创建不缩进的段落。Nó chủ yếu được sử dụng để định dạng văn bản trong kiểu số float hoặc cho các tài liệu chuyên biệt hơn. Jan 13, 2015 at 7:28. LaTeX 默认每节的第一段的段首不缩进,这不符合中文排版习惯。. Have checked the setspace package too, but that doesn't seem to be the problem either. In the last chapter, there's a subsection. Die KOMA-Script-Klassen setzen diese Länge in der Voreinstellung auf 1em also ein Geviert. This is a paragraph. 2. LaTeX don't indent the first paragraph after of a title ( section or subsection, etc). The mild stretchability and shrinkability is actually a nice feature, especially if flushbottom is in. Text body. To disable the indentation for a single paragraph, use oindent at the beginning of the paragraph. This is a paragraph. Usually 1em corresponds approximately to the font design size, so you get (slightly. This is the first paragraph. \parshape <number of lines> <indent dimension> <line width> <indent dimension> <line width> <indent dimension> <line width> <indent dimension> <line width>. 2 Answers. I use the following:It can be changed by using LaTeX’s setlength command; for example, to indent paragraphs by 15pt set parindent to 15pt by writing: setlength{parindent} { 15pt } Note that: you can change parindent within a group, ensuring its effect is localized to paragraphs in that group;One possible solution is to add the following at the beginning of your Org document: #+LATEX_HEADER: usepackage {enumitem}setlist [itemize] {nosep} Note that the enumitem LaTeX package allows for a plethora of options, which you can adapt to your specific taste. The book by Leslie Lamport, LaTeX: a document preparation system (1994) has a figure like the one you asked for on page 113, which explains, among other things, that the vertical space at the bottom of a list is always the same as the space at the top. It depends on how pervasively you want to eradicate the indentation. It only takes a minute to sign up. There are times when you will want to remove default indent, for this three methods are discussed below. It only takes a minute to sign up. oindent This is the second paragraph. It looks like you want to set that length to 2em. 1. setlength {fnBreite} {6mm} The first one sets your length fnBreite to the width of the usual footnote mark, so you get no gap between the mark and the text of the foot note. commands, together with oindent to switch o any existing parindent inden-tation. documentclass{article} usepackage{lipsum} egin{document} lipsum[1] leftskip1cm elax ightskip1cm elax lipsum[2] leftskip0cm elax ightskip0cm elax lipsum[3]. This is a unit depending on the respective font and its size, which originally once corresponded to the width of the letter M. paragraphs. You can try the following codes before egin {document}: setlength {parskip} {xaselineskip}%set space between paragraphs. tex format and the other one in . TeX differentiates between line breaks and paragraphs. egin{figure} centering egin{subfigure}[b]{linewidth} includegraphics[width=60mm]{a} label{fig:a} end{subfigure} %. which means that a paragraph is marked with indentation. , labelindent=parindent or labelindent=0pt. You can then use addtobeamertemplate to "correct" each element for which you don't want to apply the indentation; my example code below shows this for the frametitle, block begin and blobk. The template sets parindent 0pt and says not to change this to keep the titles of Sections and Subsections in their place. 10 Answers. which is its way of saying that parindent is a primitive command (more exactly, in this case, it is a <dimen parameter>, see The TeXbook, p. Creating your first LaTeX document; Choosing a LaTeX Compiler; Paragraphs and new lines; Bold, italics and underlining; Lists; Errors; Mathematics. egin {figure*} centering includegraphics [scale=0. By default new paragraphs are usually indented by an amount controlled by a parameter called parindent whose value can be set using the command setlength; for example: setlength{parindent} { 20pt } sets parindent to 20pt. You can then use \addtobeamertemplate to "correct" each element for which you don't want to apply the indentation; my example code below shows this for the frametitle, block begin and blobk. Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site@popular You can not learn a language (any language) by jumping in to the middle of a large existing document and asking what fragments mean, you need to back up and start with easy tutorials. This is paragraph one. The parskip package patches things up to look reasonable. Paragraph indentation. At the start, set the paragraph indent to zero, then change. Try section{hhh} hspace*{parindent}aa bb ccaa See the MWE documentclass{article} egin{document} itle{What are the fundamental gaps in scientific knowledge?}. The reason is very simple -- It's the only way to setup so many user options. Copy it first to your local latex folder, e. This is a paragraph. By default doxygen sets the setlength{parindent}{0cm} if you want to set it just for the paragraphs you could change the doxyparagraph style by renewing the command in an extra stylesheet handed to doxygen by means of LATEX_EXTRA_STYLESHEET, but be careful and also take into account the settings for the other sections and subparagraph. Using setcounter {tocdepth} {0} displays just the chapter's title in the table of contents. usepackage[fontsize=11. The \parindent command controls the indentation of paragraphs. LaTeX indent and oindent are two commands that control the indentation of paragraphs. The simplest solution is to add a % after the setlength command. I know this *should work, but it doesn't. 1. 4. documentclass {article} egin {document} Text before quotation. 1 ∗latex 2 DeclareRobustCommand 3 aggedright{% 4 let@centercr 5 @rightskip@flushglue 6 ightskip@rightskip 7 finalhyphendemerits=z@ 8 leftskipz@skip 9 parindentz@} Initially,@flushglue isdefinedas 10 @flushglue = 0pt plus 1fil 11 /latex Thusthe ightskip issetto 0pt plus 1fil. enewcommand {subsubsection} {some-magic-here} but i'm new of Latex and I have no idea in what kind of magic. This is a paragraph. Hi all I have this code that is not working. Fusce accumsan ultrices fringilla. I know I could do. The following code is advised now. Manual solution: Add oindent at the beginning of the paragraph that shouldn't be indented. Use hspace command to customize length. I expected the following MWE to accomplish this task. Ex. Is there a way to remove the indentation at the beginning of a paragraph for a single paragraph. 7. Paragraph indentation. Here is my MWE code: documentclass {article} usepackage {ragged2e} egin {document} egin {minipage} {0. Zero parindent and non-zero parskip. LaTeX の一般的な問題を回避するためのヒントをいくつか示します。 LaTeX コードを慎重に校正してください ドキュメントをコンパイルする前に、時間をかけて LaTeX コードを注意深く校正してください。これは、タイプミスやエラーを特定するのに役立ちます。As mentioned in the comments egin {math} is producing inline math, i. I recently released the quoting package which provides a consolidated environment for displayed text as an alternative to quotation and quote. 10pt is a. end {adjustwidth} The entire contents of adjustwidth are indented from the left margin by <left margin> and from the right margin by <right margin>. . @parfalse. When you itemize items you usually have the entire list indented. For a lexicon I am working on, I created the following command: ewcommand {\deriv} [2] { ewline \setlength {\parindent} {10pt}\indent {\footnotesize {• #1} \textit {#2}}}. The subsections are not displayed in the table. LaTeX does not indent the first paragraph of a section or a chapter by default . . Using the titlesec package you can use itlespacing* you can change the spacing before and after the title; the syntax of the command is: itlespacing* {<command>} {<left>} {<before-sep>} {<after-sep>} (there's an additional optional argument, but it's not important here). Either you use it always (with the normal exceptions) or never. 3k). While trying to use the titlesec package to format subsection headings, I have run into some trouble. Improve this question. I have finally solved by re-giving the command: setlength {parindent} {6. The response is always the same. This is the second paragraph, which should be indented but is not. (These values are set before LaTeX calls ormalfont so em is derived from the default font, Computer Modern. But perhaps the first difference to bite is that LaTeX's mechanism to suppress paragraph indentation after section headings (and after mid-paragraph display environments) removes the parindent node but won't see hangafter. setlengthparindent {. By default, the parskip package sets \parindent to 0pt and provides a non-zero \parskip value of . At the moment you only want indentation. 全ての段落に対して:\parindent = 0pt. To manually set the current value of \parskip use LaTeX’s \setlength command; for example, to separate paragraphs by 3pt you can write: \setlength{\parskip} { 3pt } The following example demonstrates the use of \parskip : \documentclass{ article } % Choose a conveniently small page size \usepackage[paperheight=16cm,paperwidth=12cm,textwidth. There is one more way to start this as in the following example. \show\parindent TeX will answer with > \parindent=\parindent. e. which was a perhaps unintended consequence of using TU encoded latin modern, however while forcing parindent to 17. Paragraph indentation. The first paragraph is now indented entirely by the given value. 1. Now, it suggests using the indentfirst package instead of the setting in xeCJK. 1. \end {flushleft} \end {document} Use \raggedright rather than the flushleft environment. [2] leftskip: this plays with how far the overall thing is. No need to do this manually, latex automatically indents every paragraph -- except that the class you are using explicitly set the width of this indent to zero. And I think I read that using something like the parskip package is better. However this will separate the dot (or whatever you are using) from the text which is probably not what you are looking for. (These values are set before LaTeX calls ormalfont so em is derived from the default font, Computer Modern. By default new paragraphs are usually indented by an amount controlled by a parameter called parindent whose value can be set using the command setlength; for example: setlength{parindent} { 20pt } sets parindent to 20pt. In order to add indentation on paragraphs globally, you can use the setlength command to set the parindent. Horizontal mode. S. 4. labelindent=〈length〉. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. In most such cases the LATEX在 LaTeX 中,可以使用 parindent 命令来定义段落的缩进。 默认情况下, 段落 是 缩进 的,可以通过设置 parindent 的值来改变 缩进 的大小。 例如,将 缩进 设置为0pt将取消 段落 的 缩进 : setlength{parindent}{0pt} 如果你只想针对特定的 段落 进行 缩进 设置,可以. The default parindent in KOMA scrartcl is too small for me. \documentclass {article} \usepackage {indentfirst} \begin {document} \section {Introduction} \subsection {Background of the Project} \setlength {\parindent} {10ex} % ??? An Information System (IS) is a collection of. This is because figure* creates a float environment for the figure in question which spans 2 columns. I'm writing an article in LaTeX and in most cases, I do not want to have space at the beginning of the paragraph. This is a paragraph. , the first item would be indented by twice parindent. This result, however, does not indent my second paragraph. in the two cases. It's better than using directly. It can be changed by using LaTeX’s setlength command; for example, to indent paragraphs by 15pt set parindent to 15pt by writing: setlength{parindent} { 15pt } Note that: you can change parindent within a group, ensuring its effect is localized to paragraphs in that group;60. However, this would require a change in your input. To change the indentation document-wide, set \parindent in the document preamble to the desired value. 1. 1. e. 27cm} egin{document} oindent. begin {itemize} itemsep -5pt item foo item bar end {itemize} and that will only affect the current list. The definition is analogous to what is offered by ewcommand where you can define something via. I would use the adjustwidth environment from the changepage package: egin {adjustwidth} {<left margin>} {<right margin>}. TeX automatically restores these normal values at the end of every paragraph, and (by local definitions) whenever it enters internal vertical mode. 7. If you'd like to get rid of an indent, you can use the oindent command: section{ Introduction } This is the first paragraph. But, in this case negative value should be used to reduce indent from default and positive value should be used to increase. You separate paragraphs from each other by using a blank line (and this is the case you've found where the \parskip and \parindent dimensions are honoured), or in some slightly more exotic cases by using \par. – Steven B. Fusce accumsan ultrices fringilla. I want to create an indented list where new (non-itemized) paragraphs inside the list are not indented at all (that is, they are aligned with the left margin of the main text. LaTeX 標準クラスのドキュメントでは、デフォルトのテキスト サイズが 10pt の場合、1 列ドキュメントの parindent のデフォルト値は 15pt 、 11pt の場合は 17pt 、 12pt の場合は 1. This is a paragraph. All I want to do it subtract 1 from the counter. I want to itemize but not have the natural indent. The first line after the title of a sectional unit is not indented. Building the main vertical list, from which the pages of output are derived. The first argument is optional and will take the value x if you don't use it. 2 Answers. To find definitions, you may use latexdef command. dtx, it must be above zero if you don't want a run-in head. g. Many LaTeX commands take a length as an argument. LaTeX has tools for formatting paragraphs. Among these conventions -- and let. (and also sets the parindent to zero). to a quad. Horizontal mode. 1 Answer. In the document body, don't use \parskip but a blank line to separate paragraphs. So here, I'm setting 2 tab stops: one at 1 parindent and one 1 parindent later. Everything you have to do is to adjust the parindent, which specifies how far the first line of the paragraphs is indented. Hypertext Help with LaTeX Lengths. Just load the parskip package and don't change the \parskip and \parindent lengths manually. We are still in the first paragraph. 2 Answers. Note that is a "rubber length" in TeX parlance. I was also speaking of "new paragraphs in a theorem" anyways, which is exactly why the solution. 1ex} lindtextparlindtext endgroup %Here I would want to undo the setlength. If you would like to align the text in LaTeX paragraphs with the middle of your page, you can use the command /begin {center} and /end {center}. e. Parindent. Also, the token register everypar is executed. I recommend to use the enumitem package which offers a lot of features for customizing lists - both fine tuning and also consistent list adjustment. 5cm, and the enumerate environment has a left indent of 20px. This is a. The listparindent key sets the par agraph indent inside a list item, where the default is 0pt. The first thing to fix is to add a. & hspace {1em} This is paragraph one. but it has 2 problems. documentclass {article} usepackage {parskip} egin {document} We explain in this. 5. The stretchable glue in parskip helps LaTeX in finding the best place for page breaks. documentclass {article} egin {document}makeatletter This is a normal paragraph. Sign up to join this community. 9. One must either set parindent after egin {document} or set.