Plato and aristotle nature vs nurture. Nature vs. Plato and aristotle nature vs nurture

 Nature vsPlato and aristotle nature vs nurture  For example, during the Greek Classical Period, Plato favored nature, and disputed with Aristotle who favored nurture

The good is the subject of Aristotle’s inquiry from the very beginning of the Politics:The famous nature vs. Are homosexual individuals born or made? Nature versus nurture helps identify and analyze both sides. (c) Organic in nature. Psychologists have debated the argument of nature vs. Plato essaysPlato on Gender Roles. Nature is the genetics, what. To those who would argue that Nature-Nurture interactionism “might turn out to be wrong” (Pinker 2002, p. The Efficient cause in the universe. Nature vs. Aristotle was born in 384 BC, in Northern Greece, in Stagira, and he died in 322 BC, in Euboea, Greece. Nature and nurture debate is a discussion that concerns the comparative significance of individuals’ innate qualities. The theory of nature versus nurture initially came into the light in 1869 and the psychologist Sir Francis Galton was credited to use the term for the first time in history (Bynum 2002). , Physics 192b ff. Open Document. Nature vs Nurture has been a long debate where psychologists and biologist are trying to figure out if you are made into the person you are or born‚ there is many different documented cases and experiments along with a long study on criminals to decide if what they did was purely biological or previous events made them do it. Aristotle rejected this notion and believed “knowledge is the result of experience” and. Born in 384 B. The fundamentalism in this debate underpins the establishing or. Beckett (2002) defined the nature as. The essence of water, for instance, will be its molecular structure, the essence of a. C. At present, there is no clear winner regarding the debate as both genes (nature) and environmental factors/stimuli (nurture) seem to play a vital and important role in language acquisition. but also, ~. Some philosophers such as Plato and Descartes suggested that certain things are inborn, or that they occur naturally regardless of environmental. , after those of his "books" which. In the 17 th century the French philosopher René Descartes set out views which held that we all, as individual Human Beings, possess certain in-born ideas that underpin our approach to the world. But what does this mean form me? I am an 18 year old young man trying to shape myself into an ideal person‚ I have tendencies‚ habits‚ talents‚ these come from both sides of this. The debate over the relative contributions of inheritance versus environment in development, usually referred to as the nature versus nurture debate, is one of the oldest issues in both philosophy and psychology. According to Aristotle, the State is. Plato and Aristotle are two such theorists who had concepts of how to improve existing societies throughout their specific lifetimes. The title of the book. Rene Descartes created an entire school that is known today as the Cartesian school of thought. Fusis, Phusis or Physis (/ ˈ f aɪ ˈ s ɪ s /; Ancient Greek: φύσις) is a Greek philosophical, theological, and scientific term, usually translated into English—according to its Latin translation "natura"—as "nature". The debate between Nature and Nurture can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Plato believed behavior and knowledge was due to innate factors. 1 Behaviorism and Nativism. The nature vs. C) Nativism is to philosophical empiricism. The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development. Nurture argument isn’t a new discussion point. C. The propensity for a grizzly bear to develop conflict behaviours might be a result of social learning between mothers and cubs, genetic inheritance, or both learning and inheritance. Man has an innate capacity of thinking and conceiving. “Epigenetics” is an emerging area of scientific research that shows how environmental influences—children’s experiences—actually affect the expression of their genes. Nurture - Perception Two main theories of perception are advanced to explain the debate about nature versus nurture. Plato andThe nature vs. nurture. The Four Causes and the Study of Nature. nurture in the development of personality, identity and behavior is one of the most vibrant and interesting topics in psychology and the social sciences, particularly sociology. Both views are equally important and none is superior. In any case, the comparison is helpful in the following ways. Urie Bronfrenbrenner, who studies genetics, said, “It is not nature vs. , In debating the origins of human traits, Plato and Aristotle disagreed about the relative importance of. nurture has been discussed by philosophers in the past and by scientists more recently. Both Plato and Aristotle are, in very different ways, attempting to respond to this issue raised by Heraclitus. nurture can be dated as far back as 300 BC during Socrates and Plato’s time. (b) A convenience. , philosophers asked the same question on human. The nature vs. 1. This debate can be one of the most contentious. nurture can be dated as far back as 300 BC during Socrates and Plato’s time. 1. The nature versus nurture debate spans thousands of years and includes classic philosophers and writers. Plato argues for a higher form of goodness, while Aristotle argues back with a societal form of goodness. Aristotle generally believed that it was important to use reasoning skills and live virtuously in order to achieve happiness. View Both Plato and Aristotle believed that there is a world of true knowledge. 14 NATURE VERSUS NURTURE: A MATTER OF CHOICE? Background to the debate Explanations of how much our lives are infl uenced by biology and how much by social context are not new. Other important figures like John Locke. (a) Product of selfishness of man. The nature of goodness is distinctly disparate between Plato and Aristotle. The Debate of Nature vs. Scholars distinguish between the early Plato - closer to the beliefs of Socrates - and the later Plato - closer to his own beliefs - within the dialogues. Plato and Aristotle were both philosophers with two different views on the issue. For example, suicide has long been a. 2566. Nature versus Nurture Debate Nature vs. This nature/nurture dichotomy and the emphasis on the origins question has had a powerful effect on our thinking about development right into modern times. According to Plato, art imitated the real world, and truth was an intellectual abstraction. Aristotle, Plato's most famous student, made some of the most famous and influential statements about human nature. The debate has raged on for centuries, dating all the way back to Plato and Aristotle arguing for separate sides (Plato arguing for nature and…• The nature versus nurture debate involves whether human behavior is determined by the environment, either prenatal or during a person's life, or by a person's genes. In the nature vs. It is one of the oldest arguments in the psychology community, and has in fact existed longer than the twenty-one years I 've been alive. Freud believed that throughout a person’s life, the id would grow weaker and weaker, while the ego and superego grew stronger. Contrast the views of Plato and Aristotle on the nature versus nurture debate. . b. Aristotle did not believe in Platonic Forms, existing independently of their instances. Nurture Psychology. In creating the judicial branch of government, the framers gave federal judges lifetime terms, thus ensuring that judges would base their decisions on the law and not on politics. Nurture 558 Words | 2 Pages. History of Psychology Video Notes. PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 1 QUIZ. Aristotle's psychology included a study into the formation of the human mind, as one of the first salvos in the debate between nature and nurture that influences many academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, education, politics and human geography. Plato: The Academy. Protagoras. The end of the Nicomachean Ethics declared that the inquiry into ethics necessarily follows into politics, and the two works are frequently considered to be parts of a larger treatise—or perhaps. In his works some clear statements about human nature are made:. Aristotle eulogized his teacher by saying that Plato "clearly revealed by his own life and by the methods of his words that to be happy is to be good. He spent two years studying there. View Domain Essay #1. Nature vs. Aristotle Plato emphasized self-control and discipline Aristotle was concerned with fitting child rearing to the needs of the individual child Plato believed that children are born with innate knowledge Aristotle believed that knowledge comes from experience Historical Attitudes towards ChildrenContrast the views of Plato and Aristotle on the nature versus nurture debate. nurture debate? Secondly, what were the views of Aristotle on the nature vs. Tools Share Abstract The debate about whether an attribute or idea is a product of human ‘nature’ or ‘nurture’ has a long, interdisciplinary history. 14 NATURE VERSUS NURTURE: A MATTER OF CHOICE? Background to the debate Explanations of how much our lives are infl uenced by biology and how much by social context are not new. Nature vs. Aristotle and Plato were prominent supporters of nature over nurture. Nature vs. The process of learning and internalizing the values, beliefs, and norms of a social group is called. Aristotle opens his Politics making arguments similar to those of Plato. nature goes as far back as 350 b. In the history of psychology, no other question has caused so much controversy and offense: We are so concerned with nature–nurture because our very sense of moral character seems to depend on it. The debate centres around the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental variables to human improvement. Some philosophers such as Plato and Descartes suggested that certain things are inborn, or that they occur naturally regardless of environmental. 24 It is possible he is thinking here of Plato’s Symposium, which urges that poems are better than human children (Sym. , acquired learning or environmental factors). E), an Athenian philosopher, believed that knowledge was innate. C. Nature, Nurture and Destiny. Classical Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle picked their sides on the causes of human. It has been long debated whether a person’s personality is determined more through nativism or empiricism, nature or nurture. Aristotle and Rousseau and more. The question of nature or nurture as the primary. New York Essays - database with more than 65. Plato. 2. The nature vs nurture debate and our path-breaking discovery of a consensus which suggests that:-. Use our essays to help you with your writing 1 - 60. nature. Human Nature: Aristotle vs Plato Essay. The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest issues in psychology. Aristotle. 4. Furthermore, Plato’s perspective on human. Nature vs Nurture - What do you think? In looking for the causes of individual differences in intelligence‚ a major issue is the relative contribution of genetics and environment. Philosophers are divided on this issue with some analyzing it as justified true beliefs. This idea is the central view posited in the theory of knowledge known as empiricism. nurture has been discussed by philosophers in the past and by scientists more recently. Nurture is how much of a person’s traits is predetermined and how much is influenced by the environment. Plato, as a rationalist, believed that understanding was obtained by human reasoning. Plato believed intelligence was encompassed and is a separate sense from the body. Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank. Politics. in Plato and Aristotle THOMAS M. (Spencer A. Aristotle - Politics, Philosophy, Logic: Turning from the Ethics treatises to their sequel, the Politics, the reader is brought down to earth. Citing Socrates in APA. 3 Epicurus on reason, character formation, and what “depends on us”. Plato. The Views Of Plato And Aristotle On The Nature Vs. nurture, nurture takes the victory here. Aristotle’s idea was a complete contrast to Plato’s. 1, 192b20–23). In a APA formatted 3-page typed essay (12pt Times font, double spaced), consider the following questions: 1. But Aristotle had another theory that what builds the characteristics of people is the influence of. plato used the image of a divided line to illustrate _____. nurture, or. These issues are at the center of the ongoing nature versus nurture debate or controversy. Nature versus nurture debate (also. Nativism vs. genetic influence) or nurture (i. (c) Organic in nature. However‚ for the object-orienteer‚ it has never been a problem: an object inherits all of its properties. This claim can be seen as follows; Socrates never thinks without an image present to him. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. Some go back to Plato, Aristotle, and Anci. Nature vs. The debate about nature versus nurture goes back to humans’ earliest days of intellectual dispute. Author Fiona Cowie states, “The claim that the. The scientific study of how behavior is affected by biology is known as sociobiology. Nurture The nature versus nurture debate is a heated debate concerning the relative importance of an individual ’s innate qualities vs. Aristotle and The Nature of Man: Aristotle was a philosopher as well as the pioneer of human knowledge. This is the question of nature vs nurture, and the subject-matter of evolutionary psychology. The task of philosophy, for Plato, is to discover through reason (“ dialectic ”) the nature of the Forms, the only true reality, and their interrelations, culminating in an understanding of the most fundamental Form, the Good or the One. Additionally, when discussing the ideal citizen, he frequently employs the term aner, meaning "man. Discussion 1: Plato or Aristotle theory of knowledge (nature vs nurture) -Aristotle: Knowledge comes from experience -Plato: Knowledge is born with Which other modern psychologist theorized about innateness?-Elizabeth Spelky Themes of Developmental Theories -Nature vs nurture -Active or passive child -Continuous vs Discontinuous. The argument of nature vs. 2) Nature vs. nurture debate has been around since Ancient Greece when Plato and Aristotle disputed the origins of human behaviour. Philosophers such as Plato argued that all knowledge was inherited from your parents and when you were told something you didn’t learn it you were just reminded of it. When you are citing Socrates in the APA format, you will use the following steps: The author’s name. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle pondered whether individuals were born with innate qualities (nature) or whether these qualities were acquired through experience and education (nurture). Later in the 1600’s, there were new rivals for the nature-nurture issue which were. While equally. Natural law, system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society (positive law). In Stage 2, just as in the nature-nurture debate, after years of heated. E. Human Nature, not only exists ~. Biography of Plato. viii)—a form of cultural lag dating only to the early twenty-first century, but which is nonetheless significant—the case must be made that Nature and Nurture are now known to always interact during development. The first major work in the history of philosophy to bear the title “Metaphysics” was the treatise by Aristotle that we have come to know by that name. Nature refers to people’s genes. He aims to create a peaceful united city that will lead to the greater good of the community and individuals. The philosophical treatment of love transcends a variety of sub-disciplines including epistemology, metaphysics, religion, human nature, politics and ethics. Even today, people ask whether nature (genetics/inherited. Ethics, for example, concerns how one ought to live and focuses on pleasure, virtue, and happiness. Historians have called this debate "Nature versus Nurture," because of Sir Francis Galton, but this argument soon became Biodeterminism versus Environmentalism in the 20 century (Kimble, 1993). The short video presented discussed this and questioned the viability of both while presenting evidence of both. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Darwinian theories of human nature. E), Aristotle (384 – 322 B. The nature versus nurture debate represents one of the oldest issues in the research of human behavior dealing with the question whether inherited traits or life experiences (e. its acquisition and analysis. (Spencer A. Original year of publication. But like Plato, he was inspired by ancient Greek geometry. It is reasonable that every child has a genetic basis to develop language abilities. This means that when an entity moves or is at rest according to its nature reference to its nature may serve as an explanation of the event. Rathus pg. His teaching had a practical and concrete goal, and many of the surviving testimonies and fragments suggest that it was mainly devoted to the development of argumentative techniques. C. nurture debate is over whether children develop their physiological attributes based on genetics, which is “Nature” or how they were raised, also known as “nurture”. plato never really explained how perfect forms could tell us about objects and their changes. social isolation. This nature/nurture dichotomy and the. Nature is genetics from the parents, and it makes the physical features of your body, it can also. As the founder of the Peripatetic school of philosophy in the. Plato’s most famous student was Aristotle‚ who regardless of his education by the great philosopher has different views and opinions that Plato. Are we humans the product of nature or nurture?Nature is how much of your personality is genetic‚ what you were born with. Plato was born in Athens, Greece, in 427 BC, and he died in 347 BC. "Nature" is to "nurture" as ____ is to ____. The Meno in the Collected Dialogues of Plato contains Plato's views on nature versus nurture ; Steven Pinker's The Blank Slate; Matt Ridley's Nature Via. Nurture Halil B. The Stoics assume that the good life for human beings is a life in accord with nature. Nature versus Nurture Cindy Dean ECE 205: Introduction to Child Development Instructor: Alan Reitman August 3, 2014 Nature versus Nurture The topic Nature versus. Although more evidence is being discovered, the topic is still very arguable. Though multitudinous more of Plato's works survived the centuries, Aristotle's contributions have arguably been more influential, particularly available it arriving to science and logical reasoning. Both Aristotle and Plato believed thoughts were superior to the senses. B. Aristotle and Locke c. The nature vs nurture debate can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, who believed in the concept of innate knowledge and the influence of environmental factors, respectively. Throughout history, suicide has evoked an astonishingly wide range of reactions—bafflement, dismissal, heroic glorification, sympathy, anger, moral or religious condemnation—but it is never uncontroversial. The nature verses nurture debate is whether if the way you act is based on genetic qualities, heredity, or if the environment you were born into had an effect on your upbringing and personality. 2. Nature vs. The debate surrounding Nature V. Plato argues that all nature is identical and all things have been discovered, nothing prevents anyone from remembering one thing and learning from discovering all the others (Menn, 2002). nurture debate in psychology concerns the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities (nature) versus personal experiences (nurture) in determining or causing individual differences in physical and behavioral traits. GV100 Lecture Notes !! GV100 Lecture 1 (PLATO) Political Thought vs Political Science HPT closer to philosophy than political science: study of ideas- how the thinking of one thinker influenced the thinking of the next (not political facts and processes); emergence of a canon/tradition of thinking Political Science: Empirical (how things are) Political Theory:. While Socrates casted fatalistic and monolithic dispositions in his analysis and elaborated his thoughts in dialectic form, Aristotle, in contrast, embraced freedom of choice and diversity (pluralism) and articulated the importance of contingent particularity of historical experiences. We do not know what dictates our behavior‚ or if it is a combination of both. The Formal cause of the universe is in the essential nature of things, such as the nature of stars to rotate. The nature versus nurture debate spans thousands of years and includes classic philosophers and writers. These Greeks introduced the term nativism (nature) as the idea that our thoughts, ideas, and characteristics are inborn. Protagoras (490–420 BCE ca) was one of the most important sophists and exerted considerable influence in fifth-century intellectual debates. 664 Words. In pre-Socratic usage, physis. a. Often statements or arguments concerning love, its nature and role in human life for example connect to one or all the central theories of philosophy, and is often compared with, or. Aristotle was a student of Plato and there are many similarities between these intellectual giants of the ancient world but there are also many things that distinguish them from each other. Wexler. c, between philosophers Aristotle, and Plato both trying to identify the driving force between human behavior. In contrast, Aristotle believed that it is the experience gained from day to day life that is responsible for making. Open Document. nature vs. The discussion revolved around Pinkers idea that there is. Nature vs. Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. . D. e. The nature vs. Yet, in his works on natural. Nature Versus Nurture Success In 1869 anthropologist Francis Galton coined the nature versus nurture debate. g. Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, held contradicting views about human intelligence. The nature versus nurture debate represents one of the oldest issues in the research of human behavior dealing with the question whether inherited traits or life experiences (e. . The nature versus nurture debate is one of the issues in psychology. Defining human nature Plato defined humanity in terms of reason. Aristotle and Natural Law has two central concerns: it offers an analysis of the concept of natural law and its history, focusing especially on Greek philosophy and the sophistic debates of the fifth century, and it locates Aristotle within this history as Burns understands it. The Theology is split into ten sections (each called a mimar, a Syriac word for ‘chapter’). The first 10 amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, protect people’s liberties and freedoms from government encroachment. Nurture . Plato and Aristotle d. Aristotle's insight is that even though the sensible world does con“ It is not nature vs. Contrast the views of Plato and Aristotle on the nature versus nurture debate. Kelly Gaudet October 12, 2017 Jennifer Blessing Child Psychology Plato and Aristotle: Nature vs Nurture Volunteering at PCAT I made1. This controversy is most often recognized as the nature verses nurture conflict. Nurture: The LSAT’s Take on the Root Causes of Human Behavior. nurture for years on end. OLSHEWSKY MY CONCERN IN THIS PAVER is to give an exposition of, apology for, and to draw implications from, the following contrastive statement: On Plato's understanding, the soul is in the body; but Aristotle's account. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. 1. Nature is the idea that genetics and biology determine an individual’s behaviors and thoughts. Philosophers such as Plato argued that all knowledge was inherited from your parents and when you were told something you didn’t learn it you were just reminded of it. C. Republic and the Tirnaeus, the composite nature is treated as derivative from the. However, the development of genetics has gained a renewed interest in the scientific community and the eugenics community. Human law must be the particular application of natural law. In Antiquity, Plato and Aristotle objected to the commodification of certain aspects human relations, especially politics and philosophy, which they saw were “elevated” and “noble” as contrasted with the “banausic” (base) and “necessary” facets of human life such as trade and commerce. He asserted that if a person knows what is good, then that person will necessarily do good deeds. C. His writings cover a broad range of subjects spanning the natural sciences, philosophy, linguistics, economics, politics, psychology and the arts. Florence Liu, BSc. However‚ the environmental stimulation‚ or nurture-inspired perspective will play a more important role than the. (a) Wisdom. , 2013). their personal experiences. nature and nurture. However, the development of genetics has gained a renewed interest in the scientific community and the eugenics community. nurture in regards to intellect. nurture debate has been around since Ancient Greece when Plato and Aristotle disputed the origins of human behaviour. Plato believed behavior and knowledge was due to innate factors. The phrase “nature versus nurture” refers to a long-standing debate in human biology: to what extent is our behaviour shaped by our genes (nature) or by the environment in which we grow up and. The next great mind to enter the nature versus nurture debate came around in the mid 1600s. Here are some of Plato’s most famous quotes: · “Love is a serious mental disease. Amongst the many works attributed to Plato's authorship is his "The Republic" wherein is set out a series. Plato and Aristotle both believe that thinking, defined as true opinion supported by rational explanation is true knowledge; however, Plato is a rationalist but Aristotle is not. Nature vs nurture is in no way a new controversy. 000 college essays for A+ grades. The problem of universals is considered a central issue in traditional metaphysics and can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle's philosophy, particularly in their attempt to explain the nature and status of forms. Aristotle. Some philosophers, such as Plato and Descartes, suggested that certain factors are inborn or occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. Plato suggests that the soul is distinct from the body. The History of ‘Nature vs. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle proposed theories that emphasized either innate predispositions or the. Introduction. The mind is a blank state ( blank chalkboard ) written by experience. First published Sun Oct 8, 2000; substantive revision Sat Nov 21, 2020. 428 – 347 BC) and Aristotle (384 – 322 BC) are two of the most influential philosophers in history. While early theories favored one factor over the other, contemporary views recognize a. Big Debate vs. With the emergence of psychometrics and behavioral genetics in the 20th century, it became possible to addressNature versus Nurture: Homosexuality Statistics show that about 9 million Americans identify as gay. Flexi Says: The debate between Nature and Nurture can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. In the case of nature vs. 1. Nativism vs. Nurture. range and restriction of what constitutes cognition. , philosophers were asking the same question on human behaviour. Some philosophers, such as Plato and Descartes, suggested that certain factors are inborn or occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. Aristotle vs. He was famous for his statement that " man is by nature a political animal . The cardinal issue that remains unresolved in epistemology is the definition of cognition. 2. ”. Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, held contradicting views about human intelligence. e. During the Greek Classical period, Plato, who favored nature, disputed with Aristotle, who favored Nurture. Physis. nature goes as far back as 350 b. 5 million pairs of twins has finally concluded that the nature versus nurture debate is a draw” (Dovey). The nature vs. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Aristotle worked with. relevance of Plato's views to debates on such issues as nature vs. The nature versus nurture debate is a controversial issue questioning whether or not human behavior is a result of biology. They found that the heritability of human traits, including temperament and personality functions, is about 50%. Although David was dressed as a girl and brought up as a girl he still. This means that when. ). In a meta-analysis of the heritability of human traits, researchers looked at over 50 years of twin studies, compiling evidence from over 2,000 publications reporting on a combined 17,804 traits and 14,558,903 twins. Like the nature versus nurture debate, Stage 1 of the person versus situation debate consisted of passionate arguments about which one of these contenders, conceptualized as dichotomous entities, was more important and explains more of the variance. In around the 300s BC, Socrates and Plato. Nature and nurture both influence who we are. Those who believe solely in nurture, empiricists, believe that, beyond basic instincts, a person’s personality is. In 350 B. has three principal aspects . Nature vs nurture in psychology is generally defined as the timeless debate over whether inherent factors (such as biological and genetic factors) or external factors (such as experience and environmental influences) are the primary force in determining a person’s personality traits—and their likelihood of experiencing. Following Aristotle, Plato, and. View Nature vs Nurture. Empiricism in my life. Another interesting thought about Forrest Gump is how he was able to learn street smarts and politeness. ”. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. From the Greek, psychologists, Socrates and Plato started to build a theory that the element decides why people think, feel and behave in their own ways is not what environment that the people live in, but is born with them. Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank slate and. nurture controversy regarding the question how humans possess language ability has been ongoing for long since among the linguists. 03. nature is much more important than. nurture debate is a debate of which one plays a bigger role in a person’s life. C. Discover the world's research. The student did not say on what basis this theory was constituted and how theorists reach to the. Reportedly, Aristotle critically examines the political institutions in his time and in the Greek world while plato, on the other hand, considered the Greek city-state of Polis was not as perfect as the Greek would like to believe. Essays on Aristotle And Plato Discussing Nature Vs Nurture for students to reference for free. Nurture Debate There is an issue that has been conferred upon by philosophers in. This is a scientific, cultural, and philosophical debate about whether human culture, behavior, and personality are caused primarily by nature or nurture (Goodtherapy). • Plato proposed that the origins of structure and function lie in the organism's nature whereas Aristotle proposed that they lie in its nurture. nurture can be dated as far back as 300 BC during Socrates and Plato’s time. It also has, at its beginning, a preface and some mysterious ‘headings’ which. Socrates and Plato believed in nativism and Aristotle in empiricism. Plato is widely considered to be one of the fathers of Western philosophy, and many of his ideas continue to be influential in philosophy today. c. nature is much more important than. applied research.