harry potter dire wolf animagus fanfiction. He was called Jade because of his startling green eyes which had gold swirling in them. harry potter dire wolf animagus fanfiction

 He was called Jade because of his startling green eyes which had gold swirling in themharry potter dire wolf animagus fanfiction  This story is AU, and will include F/F relations, so be warned

Under Edit. On a field assignment for her training Tonks finds a unusual partner and friend while in the field and maybe a even someone more. "Hello Harry," I looked up from my meal, packed by Dobby and Tinker, to find Daphne and another girl standing in the door. "Good day to you as well Mister Potter. The Headmaster had asked the potions master to monitor the entrance of the third floor corridor and observe who had gone in. GrayHarry. - Chapters: 27 - Words: 77,544 - Reviews: 822 - Favs: 2,969 - Follows: 3,383 - Updated. With a cry of surprise, Harry felt the dull burning on his forehead. And just to emphasize this point, but unless this story is. "I'm really starting to not like this idea, sounds kind of dangerous," Isaac muttered as he paced through the darkened room, the wall high windows letting in enough light to reflect the fear that Isaac felt on his face more clearly. Harry grows up loved and cherished by his adopted fathers, Remus and Sirius. But it wasn't the wand Albus had foreseen. by Flickering_Fox. Linkffn(8733271) In the story Love Will Find a Way by hermihugs hermione is a lioness and Harry is a jaguar/panther Linkffn(7572525) Same animals with the story The End and the Beginning by muggledad Linkffn(5783428)Chapter 25 -. And there was another tiny elf like creature, but I could not identify it yet. Silverclaw smiles an evil grin. Remus pulled Harry into a hug and held him close. Harry was just born first. After the disastrous end of Harry's third year, Sirius and Remus scheme to lift Harry's spirits by sending him to the United States to learn to be an animagus. The biscuits and the tea prepared by the House Elves were excellent. Continuation from Harry potter and the Lightning Curse. She gave a couple of nods as they talked and after a while, she quickly hugged her consoler and scampered off. HP/SS SLASH. Chapter 15. He was also cold and his body shivered slightly as a cool wind blew over his bare chest and…other places. Wolf Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Wolf By: damon blade Having vanished from his home life at a young age Harry Potter has been declared dead. AU. No Slash. " He replied softly, not liking the idea that his Animagus form would further mark him as abnormal. Harry looks at the goblin and smiles. He was tired… so tired. Harry was betrayed and locked away but thanks to the Valor he is given a second chance. After being sent away for what was supposed to be 6 years at the Dursleys, Harry finds a book that changes the tapestry of fate, and leads Harry down a path of greatness. Rowling. "Oh, hi Professors. Sadly for him the world he ended up on is not the world he wanted to go. Narcissa Malfoy is a professor at Hogwarts and her class is called Whore Class. Madam Pomfrey was fast at work because Fudge wanted Harry out of the school while Dumbledore was fighting against it. A natural Animaguswas a shadowy creature that chose its human counterpart. Complete. Into a cat. Potter was unable for comment on his choice in pets, because whenever someone had approached the hero, the wolf had warded them off. Harry was nowhere. Theon, well the Greyjoy heir looked like he wanted to hug the dead man. Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is the older twin brother of Christopher Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. Follow Harry as he goes to school, makes friends and falls in love while training to face the most powerful Dark Lord alive. Can Snape cure them before he goes insane. " "Hush little one. Harry was always impossible, he could do things that could not be explained. While she was a Potions mistress, her husband was an Auror – together with his best friend, Sirius Black. His name is Harry potter. The. He felt the change happening—his bones reshaped and he sprouted fur. Albus Dumbledore asked as he stepped beside Severus Snape, his long beard and hair damp from a relaxing bath. Professor Snape stalked through the castle in a fouler mood than usual. Artemis walked to them and placed a hand over their hearts and a light left her hand went into their chests. Chapter 8. Years of hiding that he is a spirit wolf Harrison begins to go through his inheritance. The Big Bad. The Dire Wolf greeted the Grim with an excited bark of its own as the smaller canine began to jump around the larger one in a display of four-legged footwork. An Animagus Registry existed to keep track of those. Now, he has what he always wanted: a loving family, and he'll need their help to take on the magical world and vanquish the dark lord who has pursued him from birth. In this story, Tonks is two years younger than Canon. I was going to see Harry's Animagus form this time! It had already been a month and it was currently one week until we were going to head to the Quidditch World Cup. "Don't worry Hermione it didn't hurt. It also had a Quidditch pitch, (bigger than the one at Hogwarts. " Hey, its okay I mean you no harm. Follow/Fav Another Stark. Seeing as he never tried to talk to anyone while in his form. Now 17 years later, they're back and want Hermione to come with them. I. by LightningR. , Remus L. Harry's eyes widened in shock and his hands flew to protect his stomach. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [Daphne G. As she pondered what to say, her thoughts drifted to the potential recipient. He runs away from the Dursley and survives on his own. She was one of the few unicorns who strayed closer to the castle hoping to run into her avenger. A rare inheritance that put him on the radar of both wolves and humans. " Harry said in a casual voice as he continued to search Peter. Ce texte participe au Concours d'EpsilonSnape (pour plus d'infos, allez sur le forum : forum/Concours-d-Epsi/226234/ ) Je suis adepte des noms de famille. "They range down from ninety-six to five years old at the youngest. Remus moved quickly to catch the teen before he fell; he caught Harry and held him in his arm as he looked down at his cub that was looking up at him with watery green eyes "Please Remus I need you. "Luna!" he called. After that Halloween, his parents forget about him in favor of Chris. " The goblin then leaves the room. Harry has better control over lightning in this form. - Words: 3,845 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 498 - Follows: 129 - Published: 7/15/2009 - Status. I remember the Dursleys, being treated like their slave, tossed underneath the cupboard under the stairs like unwanted trash. The black wolf's lips pulled back from his teeth. - Chapters: 15 - Words: 24,823 - Reviews: 286 - Favs: 1,566 - Follows: 2,038 - Updated: 10/16/2020 - Published: 6/10. Albus had tried every year since Harry was placed in Clyde's care to get custody. Harry makes it his mission to make sure Sirius and his friends grow up in a better world. stronger, smarter, slightly darker Harry. Harry responded with a Fireball followed by a Bludgeoner, a concussion hex and a punching hex aimed at the boy's groin. Fawkes eyed him for a moment before chirping lightly as if accepting him. Target acquired he leaped out of Tonks' hands and walked over to the wall the calendar was on. About half-way threw the trip though we had a visitor. She turned and began walking in a direction that she thought, no, hoped, would lead her back to him. " Harry said with begging eyes. "Ms. In the abandoned fic Pack of Wolves by sinnercharly (184K words) Harry is a Dire Wolf and Hermione is a Kitsune. Summary: Harry Potter, who just turned eleven and learned of his true power has become something more. The wolf within him has been restless for the past few days, as if prowling inside his mind, trying to push and press on his thoughts. BAMF Harry Potter. Leaping into the air, he shifted into the form of a raven, flying down and landing on the ground, his shape obscured by the shadows as he changed back. Chapter 1. "Mister Potter, unhand Mister Flint right this instant and you may not be expelled" Dumbledore's voice called out to the fourteen year old seriously, but Harry didn't relent. Voldemort let his glowing red eyes sweep across his assembled men before speaking, "Today we strike against the light. "He's right. Given that the only other person atop the Express was his sister, he was also bored. He wanted someone to save him, any one. "Hello Daphne," I said motioning for her to come in. And yet, he didn't ask for details or pry into my business— a good man, through and through. Bonus is that he gets to roam around the castle after hours without any problems. Harry has better control over shadow powers in this form. They said that everything they would probably teach him, he would learn in school anyway. "Hello Harry," I looked up from my meal, packed by Dobby and Tinker, to find Daphne and another girl standing in the door. Clyde knew that wouldn't stop him though. As she left, the handsome young solicitor who had asked about Harry walked her toward the front door. Nevertheless, it took him three years to achieve his first transformation. Harry escapes with the help of the goblins after the near death of Sirius at the DOM, determined to get out of Dumbledore's grasp and keep his friends safe. "At least we can finally get out of this cramped ass train," Blaise grumbled, his Italian friend biting the head off a Chocolate Frog "and we can get away from at least a portion of the idiots that have been. But while some in the Wizarding World would like to see her leave Hogwarts, Harry will do everything in his power to keep her there — and in his life. A black-haired green-eyed man was meditating after receiving his latest mission from death, he was thinking that this was definitely not what he expected when he united the deathly hallows and became the master of death. Summary: His godfather is dead and Harry decides that it's time to cut the strings from the old twinkle eyed puppeteer, start revealing his secrets and live his life as he wanted to. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 11-25-11. Now an outcast in the wizarding world and stripped of protection, he must learn to harness his weaknesses to become a sword and shield. "Draco, go search and find Harry. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,845 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 3 - Published: Feb 2, 2004 - Complete. Mr. "Oh, I'm sorry!" He said, nuzzling me to his chest. Animagus Harry Potter (569. - Words: 1,972 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 12 - Published: May 24, 2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9323018. "I have not seen the brat yet. Ascension Through Consumption By: TheManWhoWalksAlone. A pure white wolf, a female, lurks in the shadows and when. August 1990. Marking by werewolf – possible consequences include turning of mate into a wolf, gaining of wolf animagus form or heightened senses on the full moon – DEPENDING ON BOND AND MATE!Harry's latest book release, Harry Potter and the Year of the Wolf, had what he considered the silliest cover illustration yet. wbwl. "Oh good you're awake, Gaoithe," the professor said softly. , Harry P. Follow his journey as he makes true friends, becomes the most popular kid in Hogwarts, falls in love, all while searching for. linkffn (Harry Potter and the Origin War): This fic pisses me off because it is incomplete, but oh well. It was especially silly because Harry was the one who. His opponent flicked his wand and the arrows stopped in mid-air. Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x. ) Back to Lily and James, they were lying peacefully on the couch, watching Muggle TV. At the tender age of 1, Harry Potter was cursed and survived. Harry dodged with ease and shot half dozen arrows at the boy. A third one lay dead with a silver dagger through his heart which had been meant for the werewolf who escaped with the wands. Animagus!Harry, Crack. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Severus S. After a brutal attack the summer before his third year, Harry discovers much about his family and his place in the world. All the fics in here are strictly creature!harry or his animagus form is frequently used. He relaxed when he saw Firenze emerge from the foliage. - Chapters: 59 - Words: 323,586 - Reviews: 1,996 - Favs: 5,093 - Follows: 5,760 - Updated: 8/31 - Published: 5/3/2022. Loosely based on previous fanfic of mine, but with the many changes and improvements. Sirius bellowed staring at the three kids before changing into his animagus form. A large black dog trotted across the snow, tongue lolling, tail wagging, friendliness in every line of its body. Thanks to a Snake By: Irish216. When the Weasley Boys interfere in Ginny's relationship with Dean, they make the biggest mistake of their lives. - Chapters: 17 - Words: 55,643 - Reviews. As the ring melted in Mt. Sensing his need for comfort, a young professor guides a hero from the greatest danger he has ever faced. He reflected back on last several decades of his life. Seven of them are great-grandparents, seventeen are grandparents. linkffn (Harry Potter and the Prophecy of the Phoenix by Storyspindler): just take a guess at what his form is here. The ritual was simple but terribly messy. Can Percy forget the past and help the gods or will he stay in his normal life. A new dawn is coming- a world of purity and beauty is on the horizon. He was dropped off on the Dursley's door step. Second, the DADA class was being taught by a woman who hated. Chapter one. Harry Potter flees a ruined world through the veil of death. " Colin Creevey, Harry's number one fan boy said. Site: [fanfiction. Chapter 1- An unwelcome visitor. Then, in early January of his Sixth year, he finally transformed. The only question is whether he will get to choose that place or not. Declaration: I write for my own pleasure and not for profit. "Those eyes," the old woman muttered to herself. Then, in early January of his Sixth year, he finally transformed. Harry. None of them had ever seen his animagus form before; in fact, most didn't even know that he had one. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Harry P. Pairings: Harry/Edward, past! Edward/Bella. 13 September 1993, Hogwarts, Scotland. Alternate Universe - Teen Wolf (TV) Fusion; Horcrux Hunting; Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship; Hermione Granger & Harry Potter are Siblings;. Harry Potter was in the hospital wing after getting bitten by Remus Lupin rescuing his godfather. However, Harry Potter is still the main character of the story that becomes the primary figure of his generation in the fight against Voldemort. A rare inheritance that put him on the radar of both wolves and humans. The Dire Wolf had become extinct thousands of years ago. Deep within his mind, he hated Ares James Black since the first day. Animagus Form: Phoenix. Ron was a redheaded child, of equal age to Harry. Harry smiled and focused his magic. He leds them to an office. "I-I-m sorry. (13391615) has Harry as a dinosaur animagus. Remus Lupin opened the door a smidge and looked in. Making a quick decision, Harry turned back to Ron and Hermione. " He greeted. But they were found and Harry was one of them. For example, ghosts can exist without life power and only through magic power, whereas for Muggles it is the other way round. Harry, Daphne, Ginny and Hermione had spent countless hours going over this plan. The sudden rustling of the bushes cause Harry to tense. In the process of being Beta'ed. " "There are no dire wolves south of the wall. JustBored21 is a fanfiction author that has written 27 stories for Harry Potter, Batman, X-Men, Spider-Man, Avengers,. Where even the Magic is unfamiliar to him. A surprising revelation from a desolate future. "Neville paused in the doorway. Two of the death eaters had been subdued and captured. Harry Potter, or should he say, Ares James Black. And around this time, say about 6 years old, after learning to be a wolf animagus, the werewolf who bit urned Remus Lupin was in the woods that was around Private Drive one night, and it was this night that Harry was kicked out for the night, so Harry goes to the woods since he has found a good place to 'stay' at in his wolf form. 0. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 24,150 - Reviews: 250 - Favs: 1,251 - Follows: 1,741 - Updated: 2/5 - Published: 6/10/2015 - id. Now he must fight for survival on a strange new world. Sweet, really, but a hindrance, considering he finds most a danger. Hermione's dire wolf form had the same colouring as her sun lightened brown hair, but that played no part in her marauder name. Finally, this is a fan-written work. It is for the Triwizard tournament. Chapter 4. There was a soft knock on the door. When Malfoy and his cronies had disentangled themselves, They ran as fast as they could. The complicated part would be filleting Harry's skin and muscles so that Bathsheba could reach the bone itself and begin carving. . Who is Harry Potter well he is a scrawny under weight child who has been dumped on from a great height a few to many times. It was much more powerful. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [Daphne G. The lines of present, past and future blur and for once, Voldemort isnt the deadliest threat. After the students had headed to their dormitories, Harry, Zekryionth and Dumbledore headed over to the headmaster's office to talk. Unexpected Surprises By: Lady Lanera. Fleur was far better, enchanted her dragon, putting the dragon to sleep and took the egg by stealth. , Jorah M. Prologue pt 1. Hadrian "Harry" James Potter-Black was exhausted. The only question is whether he will get to choose that place or not. At a young age he uses his 'powers' to scare away his relatives. Harry looked up at him with tired green eyes. Nearly every day, Harry was involved in a prank. This story will follow Harry through all his years at Hogwarts. Who is Harry Potter well he is a scrawny under weight child who has been dumped on from a great height a few to many times. There was a couple of seconds silence. With a cry of surprise, Harry felt the dull burning on his forehead. Slytherin!Harry Grey!Harry Powerful!Harry DG/HP. "Please have a seat. They fought but many of Harry's small group got killed, including his two best friends, their children, his wife and his own children. Harry sat frozen it seemed as though everything in the universe had decided to drop a huge bucket of troll dung on his head. "Same here mate. Chapter 5. "Reginald. In the abandoned fic Pack of Wolves by sinnercharly (184K words) Harry is a Dire Wolf and Hermione is a Kitsune. The mythical immortal fire bird we all know about. " Cataracta!" he called finally, a great wave of water leaving his wand and falling on the dragon. Ever since, every transformation he'd undergone was through his choice. Harry is a five year old abused boy who lives with his relatives, until one day a big black dog and a brown wolf enter his uncle's house changing his life forever. "And Mr. Bonus is that he gets to roam around the castle after hours without any problems. Trio's 5th Year AU: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny and Draco are turned into hybrid wild animals thanks to a multiple potions accident. By the time the smoke cleared from the arena, Harry had climbed on the nest. September 1st, 1991. SoulBond. Chapitre 1 : L'exil. Glimpses of birds swooped overhead. He could smell Moony and the Dire wolf charged out of the hut at a speed that was rivalled only by Moony himself. The smaller girl had tear tracks on her cheeks and seemed to be intently listening to the taller girl. "A wyvern," Hagrid gasped. " Harry smiled wildly. 0o0. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,825 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 321 - Follows: 412. 17th August 1995, 07:30 pm. " "Don't worry Potter, I can handle myself. Harry Potter is a dragon. This story is AU, and will include F/F relations, so be warned. Off near one wall, the four Weasleys in attendance were having a four-way duel, the rest of the room protected from errant spell fire by a protective ward the room had created for them. The armored knight hesitantly stretched out his left hand to pet the bird. For the first time this summer, he slept without a single nightmare waking him. Her best student stood ten feet away from her in front of three large blackboards, each of which were covered in dozens of complex. Rated: Fiction M - English - [Jon S. . Stupid men, irritating his pack-mate. That was the beginning of an experience that opened his eyes to what he had been missing. I was flooing over to Grimmauld Place again today. The screams of Captain Wood encouraging his suicidal followers to train beyond the limits of human resistance were arriving to their ears from the window. Teen Wolf (TV) (6) Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (6) Katekyou Hitman Reborn! (5) Doctor Who (4) Naruto (4) Include Characters Harry Potter (479) Hermione Granger (239). Harry Potter + A song of Ice and Fire Crossover. Will Harry Potter accept this she. This was his first night he actually got to run around in his new found animagus form. However, there will be no bashing, or at least a bare minimum at most. Fleur looked a good deal happier than Harry had seen her so far; she kept throwing back her head so that her long silvery hair caught the light. The Quidditch Cup was shining under the sun. Upon awakening, Harry opened his eyes and beheld the sight of darkness. The Impossible Wizard By: The Last Centurion 1. AN: This challenge will be a Harry Potter and Game of Thrones crossover, though it will largely take place in the Harry Potter universe and the GoT elements can be from either the TV show, book series, or both depending on the preference of whoever adopts it. Animagus Form: Shadow Wolf. It allows the transformed to become a true child of the moon and become the packmaster of all werewolves. Werewolf Harry/Hermione dive into the world of the werewolves. Rumours like that could ruin a man's reputation, literally. "It's a freak. Harry rose to his feet ashes falling from his body as a chill wind whipped around his naked form. " He said wondering if trying to reason with the dire wolf was worth anything. His blood the unbreakable shield against the coming darkness. "Harry's scar had been burning a lot lately but he was used to it and could fight it. Harry shrugged and looked at the pitiful plantlet of wolfsbane at Snape's feet. HP. This has been a well established point for the past five years, but bears repeating every now and again. Harry Potter is going to take the Wizarding World by storm as the first of a new kind of Magical. Just a funny little one-shot. A perfect place to rest. He was called Jade because of his startling green eyes which had gold swirling in them. He sagged in relief before hurrying round the bed. I snatched a rabbit from the bucket and threw it towards one of the thestrals who'd approached me. A Fanfiction by SoulReaperCrewe. Harry is reborn as the eldest son of the Black family and Sirius's older brother while Ginny is reborn as a muggleborn witch. Summary: Edward having mistakenly caught Harry in his Animagus form attacks him during a hunting trip. Witnesses state that Harry was severely wounded when he surprised You-Know-Who by transforming into a tiger and wounding the Dark Lord (see insert picture). Harry potter joins the wizarding world as a smart and powerful person. Hilarity ensues. He couldn't remain inside, knowing he couldn't join. 3 July 1995. Harry and Hermione, flat-mates in Grimmuld Place. Rated M for Caution. I guess we haven't been introduced. Under Edit. Chapter 1- Beast Under Your Skin. As Harry was bit by. At a young age he uses his 'powers' to scare away his relatives. There's a new star in the Black tapestry. It was an arduous process, but Harry was willing to fully dedicate himself to learning to be closer to Sirius and his father. Thank you. Draco finds and befriends a stray dog on campus and shares doubts he never dared to voice before. Harry was lost in thought as he waited for the moon to rise. Harry now fully understood his role at the Dursleys house. Complete. With his world's destruction inevitable, he decided to take his chances on the Veil. 13 September 1993, Hogwarts, Scotland. Imperio. He laughed humorlessly at the Slytherin girl. "Monsieur Potter. Strands of hair fell into bright green eyes, hair as dark as the hour in which the man silently walked through the creaking and moving forest. She stumbled through woods, branches striking out at her. I became an animagus, an old species of wolf called a dire wolf that had long been extinct, I knew this would have made Moony, Padfoot and Prongs proud. "No, you can't. Into a cat. Unexpected Nundu By: AkibasOmega. Once chosen the two would merge as one being with two separate. Hadrian conjured clothes onto Seth so he wasn't naked.