legolas hides injury from thranduil fanfic. The misadventure of drunk Thranduil By: SJBHasADayPass. legolas hides injury from thranduil fanfic

The misadventure of drunk Thranduil By: SJBHasADayPasslegolas hides injury from thranduil fanfic  Praise me, Adar Chapter 1, a hobbit fanfic | FanFiction

Alasse shuddered with relief, sinking back against the wall. A knock on the door woke the elf sleeping on the bed. 7K 244 17 Not all love is reciprocated. Trans Legolas Greenleaf. Anyone would not have seen it for the elven prince hides his pain very well, but Elrond had known this elf since he was just born and knew him well. His gold hair ran free as the hood had been removed. He could feel his heart ache as he longed for his father's love. This was the fight of their lives, a fight that Legolas knew would most likely end in death for the Free Peoples of Middle Earth. " Thranduil gave the healer a terse nod, tightening the arm that was wrapped around his son. She faded away. Legolas didn't respond; he merely gazed confusedly at him. " He said, grinning. "Legolas, I… I wanted to ask you about Amras. Thilbo, slight Dwori and Nofur. Legolas flushed a bright red, lowering his face immediately. Slave. "Thranduil… Thranduil!" The sweet melody that sounded like the crystalline flow of pure spring water rang in his head. "In this realm you are the king's jewel, Legolas. Legolas laughed, and the sound rang clearly throughout the clearing, and Thranduil couldn't resist hugging him again. "It will bring nothing good. Legolas may be trying to maintain formalities, but he no longer cared for such things. Legolas wasn't even feeling the pain of the shot – he was feeling the intense heartache of losing a loved one (to Legolas the horse had been more than a mere steed, he felt like family) – worse than any mortal wound. Amongst the rabble of Dwarves, an unusual Hobbit and an extremely meddling Grey Wizard,. " Thranduil said smiling. The arrow had landed just inches away from Legolas' forehead. Everything is the same pre-BotFA but then veers off. Legolas nodded lightly. Elrond decided that Legolas should be the Elven representative in the Fellowship. Thorin and Bilbo were dragged before the elf king of Mirkwood. "Bring him here," Thranduil commanded which the servant hurriedly complied. Noting Legolas' paler skin Thranduil quickly applied the herbs and bandaged his son's arm, then he raised a hand to his forehead and pulled back at the heat radiating off of his son. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Thranduil, Elrond - Words: 3,571. Part 1 of Hurt Legolas GreenLeaf; Language: English Words: 3,489. "He knows you are injured, he will be glad to see you awake. He managed a sheepish smile, but the grey eyes of the ranger had already narrowed and seemed to bore into him. OOC Legolas. Aragorn looks down at the elf in his arms. " "I'm Meriadoc Brandybuck," the first one introduced himself, "and this is my cousin Peregrin Took. Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil; Legolas Greenleaf; Thranduil (Tolkien) Original Characters; Angst; Angst and Tragedy; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Hurt/Comfort;. After his mother's death, Legolas falls into a deep depression and refuses to let anyone help him with the grief. The ride to the cliff didn't take long. "Damn," said Thranduil, staring after him, and then at Nimrodel. He was in pain, yes, but it wasn't great. Legolas would have to take over, renew their bond many times, until Valerie recovered. Legolas must be feeling terrible pain but he showed no sign of reaction at all. He trembled at the intensity of his father's gaze. Unfortunately for her and them, she has a talent that no one else on Middle Earth has the curse of possessing—but it comes at a dire price. Aragorn could not respond to that. Thranduil suddenly remembered that the only leave Tauriel ever took was three years ago, to attend her mother's funeral. Title: A Brief Interlude. Just The Beginning. . . "She did. or rather alot of smut, dwarf-racist-party-king style. "Father, we cannot let this go on much longer. Wholesome. The room was left deathly quiet as Thranduil slowly moved off Legolas. Legolas smiled into his father's clothes, tears forming in his eyes. A very young Legolas runs away after his Nana's death and his Ada's continual dismissal of him. Tauriel confronts Thranduil with her bow pointed at his head. "What are you going to show me ada" Legolas said he stood on his chair to make him taller. Legolas left and Thranduil poured himself a glass of wine. He had heard Legolas talking about Herethin before. When Legolas wishes to risk his life yet again and dive headfirst into another battle, Thranduil does not know what to do. Thranduil only barely restrained himself from running forward and crushing his child to him. " Okay this part may hurt a little more than the last one did. The rain fell hard on the Elven shields. Legolas realized that he must have passed the human by without even noticing his presence. Chapter 1. " Thranduil told Legolas in a calm voice. Thranduil saves Thorin's life but at terrible cost, Dáin discovers something on the battlefield that changes everything, and Bilbo feels responsible for all of it. Warning, this is quite angsty, and whilst there are no injuries in this fanfic, it contains a lot of emotional angst. The air was thick the stench of burning arrows. Praise me, Adar By: tonystarks. His headache seemed to increase, as if the intensity of the ranger's gaze somehow added to the pain. Ion nin- My son. Greenwood, March 16th of the Year 3019 of the Third Age. How will Thranduil cope when his son loses his memory? Hurt!Legolas, struggling!Thranduil. Hi, I'm Rielle, or Another Sad Legolas Lover. "Yes, Legolas. Waving off the guards' apprehension, Legolas made his way to his father's apartments. Legolas sighed. Sufficient for the Day By: Tereza. Legolas wants to make Thranduil proud of him so he disobeys his father's strict orders and travels to the borders of Mirkwood, only to be met by a dangerous threat. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Elrond. Enough needless blood has been spilled this day!" Legolas told Thranduil. The winter solstice was approaching and a. Perhaps he had suffered some head injury on the way here? "Legolas, let us in!" 'Legolas son of the great eleven king Thranduil and heir to the throne of the woodland realm, seemed to have everything that any sane elf, human or even dwarf would wish for: He had strength that captivated and inspired those around him, a personality that drove people towards him with intelligence that could outsmart any foe and beauty that. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Legolas, Thranduil - Words: 2,279 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 130 - Follows: 22. Legolas was so excited that he was literally bouncing on his pony. And there is only one person who helps him facing the darkness within him. Healing. Enemies to Lovers Thranduil - Freeform Thranduil the Joyless…. Er ai vano. Chapter Twenty Seven. An instant later, Legolas went limp in their arms. Thranduil remained where he was, leaning over, attempting to regain control. Ever since Legolas, heir to the Mirkwood throne had vanished. " Alasse. A growing shadow, a forest held hostage, a people in despair, an approaching war. Amongst the rabble of Dwarves, an unusual Hobbit and an extremely meddling Grey Wizard,. Jumping on Bolg's back, Legolas tries to stab him in the neck. Thranduil looked to Legolas left seeking two of his son's closest friends, wanting them to speak their story of what happened since they usually fought closest to his son. " Limloeth said. " Thranduil's scowl deepened. Who died to protect her one and only son, Legolas. He'd probably gotten himself killed protecting those who who would never thank or repay him for it. . PM . This fanfic leaves off at the end of the battle in the Battle of the Five Armies. White petals swirled on the windowsill, coaxing the Elf King awake with gentle whispers. "I wasn't quite ready. Thranduil took a pinch of hair strands and tickled Legolas in the face. Tolkien*. He saw the glazed look in his brother's eyes and knew that Legolas' injury was even worse than he thought. You know better than to hide your injuries. Thalion and Verrethel joined them a few moments later Legolas finished his meal quickly and turned to his ada. Thranduil watched his beloved son sleep for a while, before he gently placed Legolas's hand on the blanket and got to his feet. Elrond gently tapped the Mirkwood Prince's face. I do have her permission, and all of the credit goes to her. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Legolas, Elvenking Thranduil, Tauriel - Words: 3,012 - Reviews. In hopes Elrond's son's will help Legolas to heal his pain. Thranduil (Tolkien) Ereinion Gil-galad. To keep despair and claustrophobia at bay, Aragorn coaxes Legolas into telling him a story about the elf prince's past when Legolas spent some time in his father's dungeons. Complete. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. "Drip, drip, drip". Legolas realized that he must have passed the human by without even noticing his presence. Chapter 15: Thranduil's greatest worries. Little Moments Chapter 4: Drunk, a lord of the rings fanfic | FanFiction. Thranduil's Wife. The rise and fall of his son's chest changed too as Legolas forced in a ragged, but deeper breath. This is an extended/modified scene of a disagreement between the elven king Thranduil and his son Legolas, and. "Yes," he answered. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Drama - Legolas, Aragorn - Chapters: 36 - Words: 80,768 - Reviews: 1,729 - Favs: 571 - Follows: 113 - Updated: Jan 27, 2005 - Published: Jul. As Sauron dismissed all of the gathered crowd, Legolas went in search of his father. He should have known he could hide nothing from his wise father. He nuzzled Legolas's face with his nose and flocking his hair all over. " Thranduil reassured, continuing his punishment. Summary: Legolas has returned to his father, hale, whole, and blessedly alive. Bolg stepped back just in time to avoid being struck. Cute little stories that give character to Legolas and his Ada, Thranduil *Note: I do not own The Lord of The Rings characters, they belong to J. Legolas – pain seared up inside him once more as an image of a beautiful face with cheerful blue eyes framed by long blond hair flashed across his mind. Shattered Storm By: MonDieu666. Thranduil cried out in pain and gritted his teeth. Legolas held Arneth awkwardly at first, but soon he let his arms relax and gently rocked her, his eyes never leaving her face. As one, they both drew their swords and sprinted towards the boulders that were screening their sons from view, closely followed by Thranduil's guards. King Thranduil spent his days planning new strategies to fight the shadow, agonizing over having to send his children out on patrols. From Legolas' perch on the king's shoulder, he could see Galion riding right behind his father, with the other warriors right behind him. Cute little fatherson moment between Legolas and Thranduil. It's up to Thranduil to reach his son in time. "Valerie, I have received a missive from Celeborn," Thranduil told his daughter-in-law. Among the elves she feels out of place. "My…father. So many of them had died. "Not a chance. The dampness that gathered upon the cold rock walls leached away any warmth that could be found within the surrounding environment, warmth which had been until. Usually Thranduil considered himself rather adept at keeping track of his son, even though he seemed incapable of staying in one place for any amount of time. The cat's name is Robin hood. All around him people were being cut down like flies. Chronicles the relationship between Princess Calithil of Mirkwood and captain of the guard, Tauriel. He begins to find out that Aragorn is not as bad as he thought, but an accident leaves Legolas in grave danger. Legolas is around 8 in this story. Two years later, a reluctant King Thranduil opens the kingdom to trade with Dale again, though. Summary: Aragorn and Elladan must keep watch over their injured companions. Extended Scene: Thranduil and Legolas By: Drumboy100. When the king noticed Legolas' breathing hitch for a. I do need time to grieve. Legolas had lost his mother and his grandfather to Mandos, and his grandmother had sailed to Valinor, the pain of losing her husband to great. Not now. It is an honor to meet you. The prince sighed, glancing to the coffee pot with a wicked gleam in his blue. "Hurts," he said in between sobs. He sensed Legolas and beckoned him closer. It was quite a statement, considering all the idiotic things people told him on a daily basis. A surprisingly gentle hand rested on his head. "Sorry" he murmured. When his 9-year-old son gets reaped for the 100th hunger games, Thranduil volunteers as one of the other 3 tributes. Here To Protect By: SkyKly. Rated: Fiction K - English - Friendship/Family - Legolas, Elrond, Glorfindel, Thranduil - Chapters: 8 - Words: 27,265 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 3/27. Legolas sighed. When Thranduil attempted to reach forward, he screamed. He trembled at the intensity of his father's gaze. Travelling to Imladris on a mission for Thranduil, Legolas, or Taú, leads his group under the guise of a simple. He was Arandur, and Thranduil believed that Eru himself had been thinking of him when he spared his life. "This is my son, Legolas Thranduilion, Crown Prince of Mirkwood. "That poison was meant to kill a Dwarf instantly. "You're just jealous. And a friend's father. The dampness that gathered upon the cold rock walls leached away any warmth that could be found within the surrounding environment, warmth which had been until. "Let me have a look at your hand. "I should have seen it coming," he grumbled, referring to his initial capture. Elrond, you are most likely surprised by this letter but I need a favor of great importance from you. Thranduil scowled, his eyes narrowing as he stared down his ecstatic son. "Legolas, hush my son, we will not hurt you," he reassured holding the blonde prince tightly against him. Here is the tale of Legolas Thrandulion that was not told in the Red Book of Westmarch; the trials of his youth and young-adulthood, and how fate sent him to Imladris at a crucial moment during the twilight of the Third Age. Thranduil's Bossy Elk is a fanfiction author that has written 22 stories for Supernatural, Primeval, Merlin, Hannibal,. Salus. Legolas was in the middle with Aragorn and Gimli on either side. It had been so superficial, barely deep. Legolas copped his father's sword with his own. Chapter 1. Rising to greet his king, the younger elf looked slightly nervous, twisting the wet cooling cloth in his hands. Public Sex. telcoer: Thranduil listened to the injuries that Legolas told him, and while he wasn’t happy that his son had gotten that injured he also understood that it was somewhat beyond his power. "I'm sorry, my Lord, he would not wait. Legolas' scream had filled his chambers and at least half the wounds on his arm had re-opened. At this time of day, the king could usually be found poring over documents in his study. He had to feel him; he had to know Legolas was standing here and not some figment of his imagination. "Your father told me a lot about you. Legolas is defiant and spoiled, earning him punishment for his actions. Legolas gave no reply just walked past his father. Legolas hadn't seen the entire fight, but in the end, the Goblins had been unsuccessful, and had instead taken one of his fellow Elves captive. Strong hands grasped his own and pulled his attention back upward. Just The Beginning. Legolas began to bow, but thought better of it as he staggered. However, it is an AU, and has more non-canon elements than Legolas being the adopted son of Thranduil. On his way to an elvish settlement Legolas disappears and Thranduil nearly despairs, not knowing that his son has lost his memories and doesn't remember his family and home. 1K 70 by Aidanturnerimagines Legolas tries to punch Bolg in the face but the Orc catches his fist. Bolg grabs Legolas's leg and flips him around. A sun-kissed wind drifted through an open window, stirring strands of the Thranduil's blonde hair. He had become so fragile with the injury at the battle of Mordor. The riders had not drawn weapons yet but from the way everyone had a hand hovering near their scabbard it was evident they would if the answer was unsatisfactory. " Elrohir began to wonder if Legolas should in fact go to be checked out by his father. Legolas lost his balance again, sinking back to the floor in what at first appeared to be a dead faint. First in the Hope of Mirkwood series. R. " Thranduil's head snapped up and he locked eyes with the younger elf. He fell into a deep sleep not long after. Adventure Fantasy. Surely he was going to be fine. " Legolas frowned. Features some Legolas whumping and Thranduil acting the protective father we all know he truly is. "My lord. Disclaimer: I don't own Legolas or any of the LOTR or Hobbit characters. Disclaimer: I don't own Legolas or any of the LOTR or Hobbit characters. The relief was far from absolute, but it did help him relax again. Legolas, son of king Thranduil, rode hard. Legolas could feel himself trembling from pain and growing weakness. Legolas cried gleefully, then clenched both sides of his father's head, firmly gripping his hair. He loved his sons dearly, but Legolas held a special place in his heart. Rated K plus just in case. Mirrordance is a fanfiction author that has written 76 stories for Weiss Kreuz, Gundam Wing/AC,. Trigger warnings for self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Legolas closed his eyes for a moment before looking at Aragorn again. A Captain's Duty By: littlespider. Though his actions are through that of love, he fears his son sees them in a different light. Legolas didn't speak, barely able to maintain some state of dignity as weariness and throbbing hurt threatened to inflict him. Legolas's face crumpled then, and he broke into gut-wrenching sobs. Here was the father from whom he had grown. Thranduil’s Shadow. However, it is too late, as the exhaustion takes its toll on the young prince. A knock on the door woke the elf sleeping on the bed. Thranduil and Aragorn held on to him, grimacing at the smell of burnt flesh and cringing at the prince's shrill cry. Chapter 1: Chapter One. Legolas gave a soft yelp and reached up to release himself. Roi De Rêve [Thranduil fanfiction] by Sadsyt. He thinks Thranduil hates him, and Thrandy thinks that leggy hates him, so yeah. Spans the time from the Hobbit till after Elrond sets sail, focusing on the developing. Please R&R. Pain will be experienced, fun will be had, and much, much more!. Thranduil was brought out of his thoughts as he was thrown roughly to the hard floor before the feet of a hideous orc. But this is his first encounter with the Prince of Ithilien. Thranduil stood in front of Legolas, his eyes burned with uncontained anger. "If I know the prince, my king, I think he will not blame you. But it wasn't happening. Both Aragorn and the Elvenking wheeled about to face a side door, where the partition had been drawn aside. # 5. Rather than pushing him back up on the horse, Estel controlled his fall and gave Legolas a second to get his feet under him before pulling Legolas's arm up and over his shoulder. "You have a beautiful son," he said. Thranduil ran his fingers down Legolas' hair as the small bundle slept peacefully, under the stars, as he wanted. Summary: Thranduil's reaction when Legolas returns from patrol with only a minor injury. Legolas was a grown elf with far too many responsibilities, responsibilities that only the elven princeling would know about. Dom Thranduil (Tolkien) The war of the ring is over, and Sauron has been defeated. Galion sighed quietly and shook his head in dismay. An Elf Lord in Peril By: Jedi Sapphire. He had lost much blood from both the arrow wound in his shoulder and the gash on his forehead. "If I know the prince, my king, I think he will not blame you. Pain. The ranger frowned when he could see that the elf's condition seemed to worsen. "I am Thurin, a peaceful traveler from. Legolas calmed and relaxed into the water, allowing his father to rinse the sweat from his body. The only thing harder than releasing Legolas to his duties?. The Mirkwood healers assessed the 'new' injuries that they finally had access to. An unexpected chain of events is set into motion as Talion and Eltariel join the Fellowship on their quest to destroy the One Ring. "Come here Legolas," Thranduil ordered his. Legolas was asleep on his father's shoulder before they reached the bottom of the staircase. A Royal Encounter in Rivendell By: Rachel Roth277. Thranduil listened to the injuries that Legolas told him, and while he wasn’t happy that his son had gotten that injured he also understood that it was somewhat beyond his power. All rights go to the brilliant minds of J. Being the King of Mirkwood is never easy, and being a father proves to be just as difficult. "Nightmare, a Legolas and Thranduil Fanfiction By: washerenowgone. " Elrond said while looking down at Legolas with a kind, warm smile. This is a baby Legolas fanfic meant to make some kind of guess as to his past. Finally, he held out his arms, and Legolas laughed, and ran into his arms, just as he had when he was a tiny elfling. The arrow had landed just inches away from Legolas' forehead. " Thranduil said, dismissing the elf with a wave of his hand. He took a step closer, "Legolas-" Legolas rose his hand to wave him away. In three fortnights Legolas would be expected to marry Sauron. The healer checked the prince's pulse and gave the worried father a reassuring smile. Legolas stood straight and tall as he dismissed the Guard and thanked them for their efforts and bid them all a goodnight. Obviously the raging water had done quite a lot of damage. "You will not speak of such things. "Do try to come back unharmed this time," Lord Elrond told his foster son. Thranduil had always wondered who his soulmate was. After they had retreated, he gently pushed Thranduil into the chair and carefully lifted the blankets, letting the king see the extent of Legolas' injuries. [Abuse]His patrol got ambushed and they return right away while Legolas lies dying. Thranduil kept his hands on his son's shoulders still. Title: Recoveries Summary: After Legolas' first life-threatening injury, Thranduil finds it hard to allow him back to the field. The premise of an adopted Legolas comes from the story 'Small Blessings' written by nazgularepeopletoo over on AO3, and the original idea is credited. Not Alagos' group," Legolas said suddenly, cringing inside at the demanding sound of what he'd meant as a request. Legolas stumbled suddenly causing the fellowship to stop in surprise, elves don't stumble. Thranduil paused and stared at his son. And then stiffen even more if it was possible when Thranduil reached behind him and pulled his son in front of himself. Adventure Fantasy. An instant later, Legolas went limp in their arms. But thoughts of the words said in the last minute came flooding back to his mind. Elrond will do all he can to save Thranduil from the devastating wounds, but can he succeed in. Legolas immediately sat up and looked around, warily. Thranduil saves Thorin's life but at terrible cost, Dáin discovers something on the battlefield that changes everything, and Bilbo feels responsible for all of it. Thranduil banged on the door again. Legolas nodded lightly. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Friendship - Faramir, Thranduil - Words: 3,268 - Reviews: 90 - Favs: 501 - Follows: 71. Chapter One. Legolas had already lost his grandfather, and when dragonfire spread afar on the battlefield, he may well lose his father to this war. "You will not speak of such things. Instantly Elladan let go. With no hope left he looks back upon his life and regrets a lot, deeds done and deeds he should have done. Legolas was immobile with shock for a moment before he warmly returned the gesture, feeling truly touched. Bolg. Elerìna Angolwen never wanted to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. Clearly at some point he has returned to Mirkwood and resumed, at the least, a working relationship with the Elven King. "Legolas, please open your eyes. R Tolkien and Peter Jackson, and I seek no money or profit from this fan-work. Amidst the chaos of the Battle of the Five Armies, things take a different turn. A small black stone, etched with a writing he did not see enough of to be able to identify what language the letters were. A sudden flurry of movement from above made Elladan look up. Nothing is going to hurt you," Legolas sniffed and wiped at his tired eyes. Thranduil paced up and down his room anxiously, his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes on the grandfather clock. His patrol got ambushed and they return right away while Legolas. "Ion nin. Rated: Fiction K - English - Legolas - Words: 2,635 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 9 - Published: Apr 19, 2004 - Status: Complete - id: 1827304. Thranduil noted worriedly that his breathing was labored. "I knew the prince pretty well, my king, because whenever he hurt himself I was the one he would come to. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Obviously the raging water had done quite a lot of damage. At last, Elros reached the door to Legolas' room and opened it. To Lord Elrond, Lord of Imladris. I will find you when it is time. When his 9-year-old son gets reaped for the 100th hunger games, Thranduil volunteers as one of the other 3 tributes. "He has passed out," observed Thranduil worriedly, feeling Legolas' bite on his hand grew lax. I believe this trip will benefit both Legolas and myself. Legolas's pride betrayed him as he pitched forward, landing in Elrond's arms. The only thing harder than releasing Legolas to his duties? Admitting a father's fears. The foul creature fell with a loud cry, a. Visit By: CheveronChick. Beginnings of A Prince By: Supernerd17. The misadventure of drunk Thranduil By: SJBHasADayPass. Again, in memory, Legolas walked on a sunlit path . in one of his vast halls. So I tried to follow this line. Legolas is the heir to Mirkwood. The chastised servant bowed hastily to Aragorn before throwing a worried look at the elf lord. Aragorn remained by his side as he was carried from the field. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Romance - [Bilbo B. He sighed. Favorite: Joined 12-31-12, id: 4451514, Profile Updated:. by Lockette_Hoxton 6.